Growing up 💕

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Hey guys I know I haven't updated in a while, but I hope you like this random out of the blue oneshot. I was stuck between parley (peter x harley) or a aged down spideypool (peter x wade) relationship but I ended up choosing parley cuz I think its more likely for Tony to have introduced them to eachother. P.s there will also be some 🔥 parts but not anything actually explicit.Ill still put a warning before anything is written. BTW I found the picture in the internet I am in no way taking credit for it.


Tony and Peter were close, and told eachother everything is what Tony liked to think. I mean they were probably closer than most father and sons, Peter still sometimes slept in his father's bed after a nightmare or a bad day (not like he'd ever admit that) but there's probably a few things that Peter would have never willingly told his dad, and would have lived happily without his dad knowing had he had the choice.

Peter was hiding the fact that he was dating Harley (for nearly a year now). It's not as if Tony wouldn't accept him dating a boy or anything like that it was more due to the fact that it was painfully obvious that Tony still saw Peter as his little baby boy (even though he was nearly 17) and would probably kill anyone he was dating, even his other protege/son figure.

So naturally Peter kept his relationship a secret from his father for nearly a year. It wasn't like he had planned to do it, he was only planning a few weeks or a few months at most before he figured him and Harley would get caught making out somewhere or one of them would slip up and out themselves as a couple. And you're probably asking where is this leading? Well this is the story of how Tony found out his son was dating his other totally not son in the most awkward way to exist.

1:00 a.m (3rd person)

After making sure his Dad was busy in the lab Peter quietly made his way back upstairs so that Tony wouldn't realise Peter was out of bed so late. Even though he himself was still awake and not going to bed anytime soon - hypocrite.

After Peter arrived in the penthouse he slipped into his bedroom to change into  pj's. You probably know which ones he's wearing - the hello kitty bottoms and the new York oversized tee. Although the entire ferry incident is still one of Peter's worst moments to date, he couldn't deny that the clothes Dad had bought him were crazy comfy.

He slipped out of his room quietly before quickly skipping down the hall to Harley's bedroom. He opened the door to see Harley laying on his bed in only his boxers illuminated by all the fairy lights glowing in his room. He looked up from his phone with a smirk.

"What's up Darlin'"

Peter blushed as always, when Harley voice was rough with his southern drawl, causing Harley to let out a soft laugh and sit up and pull Peter down on the bed next to him. Peter fell down with an oof before shuffling to straddle Harley. Harley's hands instantly went up to hold his waist while he gazed up softly at Peter.

Peter buried his head into Harleys chest and relaxed his body to find the perfect position to sleep in. Harley shuffled a bit before grabbing the blanket at the foot of the bed with his leg and hiking up to his arm to cover Peter in it. He gently reached behind him to turn of the fairy lights and relaxed into the bed, getting lulled to sleep by Peter's warm weight and slight snuffling sounds that Harley knew would turn into quiet purrs at some point in the night. The last thing he heard before dropping into dream land was Peter's quiet slurred "Love you".

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