Chapter 1 - First Meetings PT 1

Start from the beginning

"James... Lake!"

"Shit!" Startled, you ran over a rock, losing control of your bike. You crashed to the cement ground, skidding a couple feet before stopping.

Toby narrowly ran you over. Instead, he went up the other side slope and wheeled back and then ended up face-planting beside you.

"Ha! How awesome are we?" Toby said, sarcastically, "Awesome!"

You picked yourself up and dusted off your clothes, grateful you didn't scrape yourself. You abandoned your bike to help your brother. "You okay, Rookie?"

He grabbed your hand and lifted himself up. "I'll be fine, thanks," He replied, taking off his helmet.

You grinned at him, relieved. You turned and saw Jim set his bike down and remove his helmet also, his gaze fixed on a pile of crumbled stone. Strange... You three gathered around it.

"Did you guys hear that?" Jim quarried, studying the pile.

"Hear what?" Toby replied.

"Jim... Lake!"

The three of you staggered backwards and fell on your asses, shocked by the unknown voice.

"That!" Jim tried crawling back to the pile, "That pile of rocks knows my name!"

"Watch it!" You shot both your arms out, stopping Jim and Toby from getting any closer to the rubble, "the voice came from those rocks. We don't know who put them there."

"It's a pile of kayspar. Last time I checked, minerals don't talk," Your brother reasoned.

"Then there's gotta be a walkie-talkie in here or something," you added. You lowered your arms, letting the boys investigate the pile. You followed them, cautiously raking your hands through the pieces of rock, searching for any clues as to where that creepy voice came from. In front of Jim, you spotted a mysterious blue light coming from beneath a rock.

"There!" you said. You pointed at a rock in front of Jim, something beneath it glowed. The teen picked up the rock and he found a circular object. His eyes widened.

"Huh," he flipped it over, "it looks like an amulet."

"I wonder who it belongs to."

Toby was on his feet, demanding, "Who's doing this? Come out now!"

Jim was mesmerized by the amulet. It was no longer glowing, but there was something about the object that made you shiver.

"May I see?" You asked.

Jim handed the amulet over and you turned it in your hands. The face of the amulet was blue, encased in silver metal. It had strange designs etched into the casing. Once your fingers grazed the symbols, your heart stopped and all you could see was covered in white light.

Flashes of silver metal. Armor.

A long, glowing sword swinging at monsters. Daylight.

Multiple warriors holding the same amulet and looking at it in wonder. Pain, suffering...

The burden of holding a sacred responsibility... death.

Menacing red and yellow eyes surrounded in black, a monster, a dark beast who brings destruction.

A barrage of scenes you've never experienced flooded your vision, overwhelming the senses. Then, a single word whispered by dozens of different voices in your ear.


You tore your eyes away from the object, the images faded away as quickly as they came. You thrusted the amulet back into Jim's awaiting hands like it burned you.

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