Xiao x Aether

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I subconsciously lead my hand to my waist, where my mask hangs. I pause there for a moment, choking on a feeling I am incapable of identifying.


That's a lie.

I can identify what blights me. It is soul-gripping fear. My tongue presses on the roof of my mouth, my body is tense, my eyes are wide. The unsteadiness of my feet upon the ground makes my vision flash in an impalpable manner.

My eyes shut for a moment, and I can feel a tight grip form on my mask. My other hand reaches for the spear placed on my back.

Without even observing a change in my frozen state, I can already feel the flow of karmatic energy rushing around me. My mask has settled on my face and my spear is planted firmly ahead of me. A sensation of both the dropping of reigns and being constricted rushes around me. I open my eyes, embracing the burning power.

"X-Xiao?" A voice starts, and I turn to meet the eyes of Aether.

Why is he here?

It's too soon...

It can't be him...

The voice says another thing, "Are you alright?"

I reply to it's question with a cold glare.

His question... That is Aether.


I haven't met Aether yet. It simply is using my mind. I have slain monsters such as these for so long.

I take a step forward, my spear tipping closer to the impostor's neck. It's eyes widen, with what the untrained eye calls fear, yet both it and I know the look's deeper meaning.


He's Aether. Don't hurt him.

Lifting my spear, I bring both of my hands towards my head, as though to cover my ears. "Stop doing that," I hiss.

I lunge towards him, my spear is aimed at its neck. I feel the deceleration of my spear as it breaks through skin. The deep red liquid brims around where the jade green blade had entered. The brimming overflows, and the blood now runs like a river.

My blade shakes from the instability of the figure it is plunged in.

It's quivering arm, now soaked in blood, served as the perfect defense to my attack. I narrow my eyes with fury, and redirect my attention from its neck to its eyes.

The rage hesitates, and my glare eases up as my eyes widen in shock.

Saline water is overflowing from his eyes. A pain I have grown familiar with in my own reflection was perfectly matched in the gold irises of his eyes.


My grip on my spear tightens as I push harder against his desperate defense.




I let my hands go limp. My spear falls out of his arm, thudding to the earth. My feet stumble backwards. "What am I doing?" I whisper.

Aether runs towards me, before stopping a bit ahead of me, "Xiao? Can you hear me now?" His voice is thick with worry and pain.

I glance at him in acknowledgement before looking away, my eyes burning.

I feel hands grasp the mask covering my face; the weight it is lifted from my face. I look into the eyes of who did this. His eyes are red and brimmed with tears, and he gazes at me softly.

I blink my wet eyes slightly dry, and attempt to still my shaking body. I open my mouth to speak, though I do not know what I should say- or if I would even be able to speak.

I finally find my voice, though weak, "My sincerest apologies..." As if those three words would be enough to convey the insurmountable horror and disgust wracking my body. "If you want no more trouble, then stay away from me."

Aether simply leans his head on my chest, ignoring my request.

"All I am is a weapon of death." I try to back away from Aether, but his hands find their way around my shoulders. I glance at his right arm, drenched in a deep red, and a wave of disgust rushes over me. This feeling sits on my tongue, a bitter taste, which easily carries into my tone: "Answer me. Why do you persist?"

"Don't you already know?" Aether gently murmurs, lifting his head to meet my gaze.

I flinch. I do know... No, it's not that. It can't be that. "I don't know... " My voice eventually decides in a hoarse tone. I glance away.

Aether's hand finds its way to my chin, where my head is gently turned back towards his face. "You should know..." He pauses a moment, considering his next words, "I won't leave you because you matter to me."

I flinch at this, my lips peeling back in a silent growl. My voice rumbles in a masked anger, "I shouldn't matter to you. My only purpose here is to fight. After all I have done... I only can fight. It's the only way the damage I inflict can be used for good." My voice stops for a moment as I notice the warmth of tears pour over my face. "If I'm not used as a weapon then I am simply worthless."

Aether's voice interjected in a sharp, cutting tone that I had never heard from him, "You'll never be worthless."

I widen my eyes for a second, before half shutting them, as to reset my emotions. I return to speaking, this time with a quieter, duller tone, "You know that's just not very nice of you. I'm just trying to have fun playing fortnite and ur being really mean :("

"Yeah, ur right im sorry. Let's get that #1 victory royale" Aether high fives me and then does a backflip.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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