Disturbance in the woods

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I'm doing the think like with my Hey Sparkles~ book

G=Hey Catra,Adora. Can I speak to you?

C=Yeah Sparkles what's up?

G=We have been getting complaints of a noise disturbance in the whispering woods,I wanted to know if you two would check it out.

A=I mean it's been a while since we've been on a adventure,so sure I guess.

G=Alright you two can leave around 12 tomorrow.

C=Alright night Sparkles!

In Catradoras bedroom

C=So what do you think the noise is?

A=I'm not to sure.So we'll have to find out tomorrow I guess!

C=Mm~ Alright.

Adora starts to scratch behind Catras ears causing her to purr

A=Awe your so cute you know that?

C=Ugh,Arrow Boy is making you soft-

A=I am not going soft!

C=You are totally going soft!

A=Are not!

C=Are to!

A=I will tackle do not try me!

C=Wanna go princess?

Catra proceeds to tackle Adora and she hits the ground with a grunt



Suddenly Glimmer teleports in while rubbing her eyes since Glimmer like to go to sleep early

G=Can you guy keep it down a bit?

C=Ah sorry Sparkles.

A=Sorry Glimmer.

G=Its fine just go to bed-

A=Alright.Night Glimmer!


Glimmer teleports out of the room again  leave a pink poof cloud



C=Oh fuck off-

A=Yeah yeah whatever,let's just go to bed.


Catra and Adora proceeds to climb in bed spooning Catra being the little spoon and Adora the big one

C=Night Blondie.

A=Night Kitty.

The next morning at 9:00 o'clock am

Adora yawns as the suns rays hit her face and she groans

A=Mm~ Its 9:00 o'clock already....Guess I better wake her up so we can get ready.

Adora unwraps her hands from Catras waist then gets out of the bed stretching

C=Mm~ Blondie what are you doing?

A=Come on kitty we need to get up so we can go find the noise.

C=Its only 9:03 why?

A=Don't be lazy Catra and get up.

C=Mmm fine....

Catra gets out of bed stretching and yawning.Adora goes over to her closet and grabs her original outfit putting it on.

C=Are you ever gonna wear anything but that?

A=Mmmm~ No.


Catra gets dress and they head downstairs to have some breakfast now that its 9:30

G=Morning guys!Ready for your mission?

C=Yeah I guess...

A=So what are we eating today?

B=Eggs,Toast and Bacon.

C=I heard bacon!

A=Now look whose awake.

C=Oh shut it!

Everyone proceeds to eat making small talk until 11:45

G=You and Catra can leave early.Tell me what you find.

A=Alright.Later Glimmer.


Catra and Adora head into the whispering woods walking along the trail trying to find the noise

C=So what do you think it could really be?

A=I don't know the possibilities are endless!

C=You sound like geek princess.

A=I do no-

Adora is cut off by a loud growl from in front of them

C=Dud you hear that?

A=Yeah.Lets check it out.

C=Alright but turn into She-Ra first.

A=For the honor of grayskull.

Adora transforms into She-Ra without yelling and they walk towards where the growl cane from

A=What is that?

C=It looks like a cub wolf just big and fluffy but not too big-

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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