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Cheryl POV
Me and Toni just got home she sits her bags down and turns on her game I look at her roll my eyes and go into her bedroom I sat on her bed I scrolled on Instagram when I seen a pic of toni with only a bra on  I got horny so I went into the living room and sat on Toni's lap . Bro I said land AT LAZY LAKE YOU LANDED AT RETAIL ROAD ITS YOUR FAULT YOUR DEAD BITCH toni yelled into her mic  I got up and turned off Toni's game she looked at me and got up CHE-I cut her off with a smack on the face she looked at me I grabbed her balls .listen Antoinnette I don't think you know who you are talking to I said gripping them harder she grabbed my hand and threw me over her shoulder . When we got in the room she threw me on the bed she took off her shirt and pants and bra and boxers she ripped my shirt in half and took off all my clothes she grabbed my hair and pulled me on my knees she put her dick in my mouth and started to duck my mouth I was choking I could feel it down my throat she is fucking my mouth so fast .
Fuck she moaned looking down at me your such a slut cher look at you sucking my dick .
she picked me up and put me on the bed she lines herself up with me and went in .  

Cliffhanger didn't proof read

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