05. ᴏꜰꜰᴇʀ

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My thoughts were cut short when I heard the door unlock.

I slowly opened my eyes when I felt some other pressure on the couch. Causing me to sink down a tiny bit. I looked up my vision still blurry. There was a shadow hovering above me. I quickly rubbed my eyes.

To my surprise, when my sight fully returned I noticed a pair of ocean blue optics staring down at me.

It was the same pink haired man from the night before on top of me, smirking, he softly spoke;


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05. ᴏꜰꜰᴇʀ

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Somewhat startled from being promptly woken up, out of pure instinct, I gathered all my available strength in my left arm and flipped him over. I was now the one on top.

 Due to the sudden movement, I felt the stinging pain sensation return to my injured shoulder. Letting out a short pant, I clenched it softly, when I heard a soft chuckle escape from the male underneath me. 

He placed both his hands beneath his head, getting into a more comfortable position, and stared deeply into my eyes. 

"Didn't know you like to be on top." He said with a low voice, a wide smirk finding its way to his facial traits.

"Didn't know you like to crawl up on people." I said back to him, raising an eyebrow in the process. 

He was about to say something else, when I swiftly placed my index finger against his lips, in a shushing manner, cutting him off.

 My attention hastily shifted from him to the still open TV, ( which I accidentally left on before falling asleep) when the news reporter mentioned a number familiar to me.

"Last night, patient 0429 from the Redwood Mental Institute has made an abrupt escape..." A picture of me appeared on the screen; "The patient is a woman in her early 20s, with multiple psychological disorders and past related crimes, if you spot her anywhere do not hesitate to contact the police."

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