Paradise Lost

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The Awakening

Alone in a kingdom of my own choosing I strive to attain what I am denied in the outside world. The hunt begins for the man who may be my equal. My thirst is that of a vampiress craving the blood and body of one who loves with the same fierce passion and who gives way to the physical indulgence of sexual desires.

By chance meeting and brief exchange of words interest is peaked. Could this be him? Intense fear coupled with the sheer excitement of the possibilities waiting to be uncovered washes over me. Willing to risk it all to feel needed, wanted and loved, I open my heart to him. A relationship begins to form and as I look into his dark powerful eyes I am mesmerized by their vast depth. My body tingles uncontrollably and I am unable to think of anything else.

Feverish Infatuation

My king is a stunning dark warrior of his own design forged by the pain of betrayal and intolerable cruelty. His emotions entombed by a lifetime of memories of excruciating torment and unconcealed disdain. He burns and amplifies the fiery hatred of those who have underestimated and misjudged him. Infuriated by his unjust exile he grows more determined to reach his ultimate goal.

Although glaring and seemingly unaffected by the cries of others, his intense features soften momentarily as I reach out to him. Resisting the temptation and the possibility of to adding to his hellish suffering he holds me at bay. Through smoldering eyes his heart betrays him and stirs emotions thought to have perished long ago. The flame within rekindled, a low and steady growl begins to emanate from his body as he stares hungrily at me, as if daring me to move.

Caged Carnal Instinct

In a tower once void of light the intrinsic battle rages on under an ever watchful moon. Disquieted by the day's events he paces the length of the walls shielding his anguish from those who would seek to use it to their advantage. In search of him I knock then cautiously enter his bedchamber, the mere sight of me seems to augment his perplexed state.

He casts his eyes downward reluctant to look at me as I anxiously move to cross the shadowy room and stand before him. I attempt to speak but the words fail me. I move closer and tenderly place a caressing hand to his face compelling him to see me not only for who I am but for all that I willingly offer. As I unwittingly lean in to kiss him, he bolts forth enraged displaying all the savageness of the fueled fury contained within. Driving me progressively backward until my petite frame crashes into the far wall.

Instantly regretting my apparent unwelcome advance and overwhelmed by his reaction, I become fully aware of the depth of his defenses. Frustrated by his pride and unwillingness to relent, I look upon him with pleading eyes brimming with tears. Unyielding, he releases my wrists and walks briskly from the room. I watch from the small window as he heads toward the training grounds. Many will feel the ferocity of his fervent suffering this night, but I will not be among them.

Tears Fall Like Rain

Shrouded by the shadows of my candlelit room, I lay within the boundaries of my enormous bed, devoid of the finery of a modest lady. My thoughts drifting to the turbulent encounter of the previous day and contemplating the righteousness of my lustful advances.

Broken hearted and alone, I spent the wretched hours of this infernal day wondering aimlessly through the castle grounds. While he remained ever away; conditioned to eradicate all bones of contention through vigorous training and carnal sin. When by happenstance we briefly crossed paths, I experienced a hindering surge of euphoria as my body trembled at the site of him. Sadly, he appeared deep in thought and refused look upon me.

Bewildered by his confounding behavior, I cannot comprehend why in the past he has repeatedly attempted to draw me closer, if he did not wish to know me. Why offer a noncommittal kiss, when such acts intensify my deep-seated desire to be held tightly in the safety and security of his Herculean arms. Cursed am I if the words "I Love You" escaped from his lips in a vacuous fashion, for they were convincingly received.

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