Chapter 17 - Things That Change

Start from the beginning

Lily smiled and said a 'thank you', but the compliment somehow didn't sound as nice as when James had said it. She didn't know what was wrong with her. Why was this happening, now of all times?

This is so twisted...I'm standing here with my boyfriend; dressed in the clothes of the guy I just much more 'soap opera' can this situation get?

Matthew held her hand tightly. His possession, she realised. However, she wasn't too bothered about it; it was something to keep her mind off the Head Boy...maybe.

'Miss Evans?'

Lily turned around quickly, and faced Professor McGonagall, 'I am now going up to Gryffindor tower to alert the students that the ball will soon begin, you and Mr Potter will open it for the students as it is done every year. I will be down shortly.'

Lily froze as she said his name...she had completely forgot about the Heads opening it.

Damn...what the hell am I going to say to him...?

Nothing of course...just smile then get the hell out of there...

...god, did I mention the 'soap opera' thing...

'Lil?' Matthew's voice brought her out of dreamland, 'are you okay?'

She nodded mutely, and he smiled and kissed her softly on the lips. James' memory flashed into her mind and she pulled away, mumbling something about make-up as an excuse. He seemed to buy it as he turned back to his friends leaving the Head Girl to stop and think about James again.


Walking down the long, wide staircase, he saw her standing there with him. The Ravenclaw kept stealing little glances at her and he knew how he must be was like when he saw her walk out of her bedroom door.


...I'm going insane...

'Mr Potter?' McGonagall beckoned, bringing him out of his thoughts, 'the Ball's going to start now...if you would locate Miss Evans, then you can open it together.'

James sighed and nodded towards her. He looked over to where she and Matthew were standing, and made his way towards them, plucking up the courage. What was he going to say?

Stopping behind the Head Girl, he tapped her softly on the shoulder, 'Lil?'

Lily's stomach sank as she heard him say her name, but taking a deep breath she turned around, 'Yes?'

'McGonagall wants us to open the Hall now.'

Matthew had turned around quickly as James had spoken, and he glared at the Gryffindor Seeker standing across from Lily. He watched in annoyance as she nodded slightly and turned back to him.

'I'll see you soon Matt okay?'

Matthew paused for a second as she looked at him, waiting for his answer. He glanced at James before looking back at her. He wanted to shout at her 'No it's fucking not okay!' but, obviously, he didn't.

'Yeah...fine...' he kissed her in front of James a little longer than he normally would have; liking to know it made the Head Boy squirm just that little extra, and turned again back to his friends.

They stood awkwardly for a couple of seconds until Lily sighed in exasperation and made her way over to the Great Hall doors. The doors were decorated as well, James noticed before turning back to face everyone. A silence fell over the Entrance Hall, as the students all fixed their eyes onto the Head Boy and Girl. Lily glanced up at James as they paused, she knew they all were expecting her to open if by magic, but her wand was up in the Head Common Room.

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