¿What does it take to be a hero?

Start from the beginning

"thank god I was not the only one so nervous" I laughed a little of relief

After that we started to talk about unimportant stuff to distract us from the test, stuff like where we have studied middle school, how was the weather, what music did we like, I was surprised that Yaoyorozu knew a lot of the bands I am into I was not expecting her to be the type to listen to rock, not that you have to have a certain type to listen to music but you get what I mean

We had talked for about half an hour and the auditorium was at full capacity now, I didn't expect less from the most famous school for heroes of course

"Welcome everyone! Are you ready to take the first step to become heroes?!" wow that was a loud voice, everyone responded with a scream


"my poor ears.... "I said rubbing my ears

"Ok then, let's begin explaining what the exam will be about, everyone of you will be divided in groups of 50 people so we can have more control on what is going on in the exam, every group will have 2 presential evaluators, and everything you do in the field will be recorded so we can have every detail of how do you perform in the exam, for the exam itself you will have to defeat 3 types of robots each type will give you certain points, the type 1 will give you 1 point, the type 2 will give you 2 points and of course the type 3 will give you 3 points, there will be a 4th type of robot but this one will give you nothing but trouble so I would advise you to avoid those, you will have 2 hours to make the most points you can there is no limit to how many points you can make, but I must tell you that only 7 people from each group will enter the hero course so aim for the best and give all you got if you want to be part of the UA" he finished, only 7? 7?! And I must compete against 49 people, oh boy this will be hell

"the acceptance rate is lower than I expected" Momo said, her voice a little worried

"It is, but I believe we can do it" I said trying to sound as confident as I could in fact I was as worried if not more that her, but I felt the need to reassure her I don't really know why

After the small explanation we were divided in our groups, I was glad that I was sent in the same group as Momo, well glad that at least I could talk with someone to let the nerves out but I was concerned because I had to compete with her

I was deep in thought with everything that was going on, how would I be able to know where the robots were, more with that many people running to them, there will be enough sounds to distract me

I must have made a face because I felt a squeeze on my hand, I turned to my hand as if I could actually see Momo's hand over mine and started blushing

"everything will be alright, like you I also believe in us" I could imagine the reassuring smile she was giving me

"thanks" I said separating our hands, I don't know why, maybe it was the fact that she was the first person I had speak with in this exam or that we had talked more than just the exam but I really was looking forward for both of us to get accepted so I could get to know her more

I was about to say something about the exam taking long to start when the doors of our zone opened and a siren let us know that the exam had started, all the people started running towards the door to start defeating the robots as soon as possible so they could have more points, even Momo was far away now but I was still on my spot

"Okay Jirou relax and concentrate, remember all you learn with dad and you will be fine" I said to myself as I started using my Echolocation to determinate which zone was better for me to start, I needed somewhere that was not really packed with people since that could not only interfere with how I could see now but also in battle, after a few seconds I had the perfect spot to start so I started running

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