John Egbert

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(Y/N), you're up!" You heard Evy's voice and shivered. She handed you the bag and you put your hand in pulling out a Ghostbusters poster.
"You're up, bro." I smiled at the black haired boy with glasses and sky blue eyes. You blushed as he smiled at you and pulled you inside with him.
"Hey Johnny" you said shyly and gave him his poster back. He tried to smirk at you, but failed because he's not good at it.
"Guessing you and i have to kiss now, don't we?" He giggled on that but your blush raised a bit.
"Um.. i guess so?" You mumbled under your breath, slowly placing your butt on the floor. His eyes followed your every move and eventually, his butt landed on the spot near you.
"Ghostbusters, huh?" You said, taking the poster from him and examining every single detail on it. Nothing special, you guess.
"It's awesome. You should watch it. I bet you'll love it!" He smiled that dorky smile, his eyes sparkling along with it. Unfortunatelly, you didn't have the urge to watch it. You're just not into the sci-fi stuff you guess. Even though, it looked too lame to you but you just couldn't tell your crush that. You didn't want to disappoint him and let his smile leave his face. He looked too adorkable for that.
"I guess." You knew you were lying but hey, you would even lie to Ashton fucking Irwin to see him smile.
You were staring at John's beautiful blue eyes, not even noticing that you were doing that.
While you two were staring at each other's eyes, the rest of us were kinda too busy to notice that you've been already eight minutes in there so i guess, you're welcome ^.^
"So... uhm... do you like The Hunger Games?" You aked, playing with the hem of your shirt nervously as you expected him to say no.
"Well yeah, i watched all of them with Dave." He said, looking up at the ceiling nervously.
"Great! There's the topic! Take it!" But you didn't. You just thought of how great it was and how much you loved THG. You also thought that that Finnick guy was cute but he was too old for you. Any way, you were still too nervous to kiss the blue eyed dork next to you.
"It's just a game... it doesn't have to be serious..." you thought when you felt warm, soft lips on your cheek. John quickly pecked your cheek when he got a chance. You felt some strange feeling inside of you as he moved away and smiled again (A/N gog, he smiles a lot... i guess it's ok since he is John).
"?" You looked at him kinda confused. The bright pink blush on his cheeks was noticeable as he backed away and scratched his head.
"The time is up, (Y/N). I had to do something." He giggled and stood up, offering you a hand to get up. You just stared for a while, hesitating, then took it and walked out of the closet, holding tightly onto his hand as you smirked at Evy who was glaring at you ever since the door opened.

Done! Omg finally. So the John is dohn (wtf!?)
Sorry fir making all of you wait but i had some serious business (lol) to do.
Oh and i was thinking maybe if you are willing to sond me some drawings of yours for me to put for the cover of the story or the chapter (whatever fits the best). I won't give any deats yet 'cause i wanna see if anyone is ACTUALLY interested. So yeah...
And another thing:
And also: srsly Huss? Clay? Never mind i still love it

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2015 ⏰

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