Adonis grimaced slightly at the action and stepped back.

"L-lead the way." She says in a desperate plea to divert his attention away from the fact that his touch wasn't wanted at that moment.

Adonis nods slightly before turning and walking through the door that had been left ajar.

As they walked Freddie began to whine slightly, and rub his eyes. He was the only one out of the three kids that seemed to be injured, with a cut along his arm and a bruise on his throat, and something wrong with his leg that was causing him to limp.

Adonis sighed as he realised they were slowly slowing down because of the child and turned around and picked the ginger haired boy up and let the boy wrap his legs around his torso.

Soon Eddie was passed out on Adonis shoulder, his arms around his neck.

Blake was drifting in and out of consciousness, her head bobbing as Mabel walked with her.

Atreus seemed to be alert, however, as he stayed level with Mabel, keeping a hand on Blakes leg, in what Mabel assumed was a comfort tactic.

They soon navigated through the maze like fortress and reached a cell door and by the overwhelming smell of Soter she knew it was her cell.

Mabel stepped forward, breaking their rhythm of walking, and opened the door.

Inside was Soter, Ame, Oria, Penny and Karmichael along with a few other people who seemed to be medics. A light was burning through the dim darkness and when Mabel looked towards it she recognised it as a torch.

Soter jumped up from his seat and used his super speed to get to her much faster than humanly possible.

"Mabe you've gotta put a cap on scaring the shit out of me." He sighs, and cracks a smile when she started to scold him for his poor use of language in front of the children.

"Oh please they're fine, two of them are passed out and the other one looks like he couldn't hear me if I shouted in his face." He says, waving her comments off.

Mabel glanced at Atreus and saw what Soter was talking about.

The poor boy was struggling to stay awake, his fingers desperately clinging to Blakes leg as his eyes drooped every twenty seconds.

Adonis takes hold of the boys hand and pries him off of Blake's ankle, and leads him over to a doctor that was setting stuff up in the corner, probably for the boy.

"Well isn't he the silent one, ay?" Soter says, elbowing Mabel gently as he tries to get her to crack a smile.

But Mabel couldn't feel anything.

Earlier it was easy for her to feel sadness for the boys and happiness when she saw Adonis and love when she saw Adonis meet Oria again.

-yet for some reason she felt numb, as if she was suddenly floating in the air and looking down on herself.

She clutched Blake as if the child could bring her any comfort, any emotions, anything.

Yet she felt zilch.

She didn't freak out, instead walked away from a now worried Soter, to a wall and leaned up against it, feeling herself sink to the floor.

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