Jimin was just so adorable

Seokjin scoffed. He didn't care, not one bit. He quietly walked across the room and sat down on the unoccupied sofa. Well all of the sofas were unoccupied since none of the members sat on the sofas in the room, they choose a hard and cold ground over a comfy and warm sofa.

Jin sighed pressing his hands on his forehead. He had a headache and not the mild kind, the extreme one. It's probably cause of my lack of sleep he thought.

He grimaced when Jimin suddenly yelped. Causing his head to hurt more

"Can you shut up, please??" He muttered. He felt suddenly pissed of, his head hurt, the lights in this room are to bright, the managers are taking way to long to arrive and now Jimin is yelling and squealing. All if this made his mind crazy.

He felt tired and stressed. All the schedules and busy days finally took a toll on him, and not allowing himself to relax didn't make it any better.

But he did it for his own good.

He didn't want a repeated past.

A little flustered Jin looked down at his phone and stared at the black screen. He knew he shouldn't have said that, his tone also sounded Fairley off and ofcourse it threw feul to the fire.

And he knew it. He knew the members were getting pissed off by the nasty glares he got, the room went silent after that with jimin only talking softly to himself.

Atleast hyu- minnie listened.

"Hyung" he heard a low growl and instantly looked up. He instantly met the leader's eyes.

Namjoon's eyes were piercing into his own, he looked mad, as if he would rip of jin's head any moment. Jin felt frightened and allowed himself to sink back into the sofa, his lip quivered before he caught himself and fixed his posture.

He sat straight and lowered his phone onto his lap. His eyes met Namjoon's and he held the same glare.

"Yes. Namjoon-ah?" His voice dropped.

He had to show they couldn't scare him.

Namjoon clenched his Jaw before releasing just a puff of air. Visibly calming himself "What's your problem?" He glared.

Jin felt a little taken aback by that question. His eyes widened abit before he dropped them again.

"What do you mean?"

"You heard what I said, hyung" Namjoon glared.

Seokjin looked down, his fists clenched in an Attempt to stay calm. He couldn't help but get mad? It wasn't his fault anyways.

In the far back of his mind he could feel as if strings were getting pulled, a past memory tried to come forward. Just like little Jinnie.

Jin breathed slowly in an attempt to push Jinnie back and block the memory that frightened him.

He looked back up at Namjoon. "I don't know what you're talking about" he muttered and glanced behind him.

All the members' eyes were on them.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about, hyung!!" Namjoon said. Well yelled, his voice raised a octave and it made Jin's drop.

"Do not raise your voice at me" he glared, in his chest he felt a rush of panick but also madness. Who was he to start raising his voice at him?? Yes Namjoon is the leader but Jin is older than him!! He's his hyung!! For fucks sake.

He doesn't even know what's happening, nobody felt like getting into a fight right now, him included.

So he did what he thought was best and decided to walk out.

♡~Little seokjinnie~♧ (×LittleJimin)Where stories live. Discover now