Chapter 2- The Royal Procession

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I almost cried reading that :')

Enjoy the story!


"But why do I have to meet that Havilliard prince at the gates? He can just come to the castle!" Aelin whined.

"Because, dear child, it is good manners to greet your guests at the gate. Meeting the prince here would show that you are welcoming Prince Dorian to Terrasen," Marion Lochan rubbed her temples.

The small princess crossed her arms and huffed, her magical wildfire twining in between the strands of her hair. Her parents had finally gotten Aelin a tutor for her magic. She had much more control over it, ensuring that she wouldn't explode and burn everything to ash.

At least, now, more kids would play with her besides Aedion. She had grown on Marion's daughter, Elide. Though she was shy, she was very clever. The two girls were never seen apart, and Elide had started being tutored with Aelin.

A horn blew in the distance. The royal guard escorts around Aelin turned to the sound, readying their magic and swords for any impending danger. Fae soldiers looked into the distance and spotted Adarlan's flag waving in the wind. They informed Marion and Aelin.

"They're here!" Marion trilled, though she didn't look too happy about it. "Be on your best behavior, Aelin."

"As if I'd be on anything else with you around," Aelin muttered. The soldiers fought to keep a straight face.


"What an insufferable child. It's a wonder that Marion Lochan didn't explode," Rowan muttered.

Aelin growled. "Shut up."

"I wonder," Rowan mused, "how she coped with such a child. Did she lock her lips together, or yell at her, or stop her from playing with her friends?"

"Shut up."

"It really is something to ponder. A question to baffle people for centuries to come," Rowan grinned, exposing his canines.

Last straw for Aelin. "I SAID SHUT THE H*LL UP!"

The Aelin at the gates turned her head towards them and tugged Marion's hand.

From a distance, even, Aelin's fae ears didn't fail her. "Marion? There's someone over there." Aelin pointed towards them.


"Don't run-" Aelin said.


"Don't run." Aelin tugged on the blood oath, and Rowan complied, growling and shooting daggers with his eyes. Aelin ignored him, her attention on the fae guards running to them. In a moment, they were right in front of Aelin and Rowan. Their surprise was evident when they saw Aelin's face, but they still pointed their swords at her and Rowan. Rowan growled as one of the guards' swords cut Aelin. The scent of her blood filled the air as Aelin felt a stinging on her shoulder blade. The blood pooled on the grass around.


Aelin fidgeted while the guards assessed if she and Rowan were a huge threat. They knew who Rowan was, and were sniffing in his direction, confused at the lack of Maeve's scent. This bought Aelin more time. Finally, she finished.

Here goes nothing.

A bright flash of light enveloped Aelin and Rowan as the wyrdmarks glowed. A dark hole opened up under Rowan and Aelin, swirling. The dark abyss stretched on and on, finally sucking in Aelin and Rowan. At the last moment, Aelin let go of the papers she was holding secretly in her hand, making sure that one of them flew towards that guards, and one into the forest, escaping undetected as the guards were distracted. Praying that Aedion would find it, Aelin let darkness claim her as she and Rowan were sucked into the portal.

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