Chapter 7 - McDonalds.

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Your P.O.V. (This is a couple of days after you confessed your feelings to Garcello, just clearing stuff up!)

"Hey...uh...Gar?" You'd say, trying to get Gar's attention.

"Yeah kid?" Gar would reply.

"Why do you call me kid?" You would ask, curiously.

"Dunno. I call everyone kid. Ya want me to call ya something else?" He would shrug his shoulders.

"Yeah...but...I don't know what you'd call me..." You'd say, your tone getting a bit quiet.

"How about...dear?" Gar would look at you, with a soft smile on his face.

"D-dear?...that...that sounds n-nice." You would say, you felt your face heat up a bit, as you looked down, trying to hide your blush.

Gar would lift your face towards his, he would look into your eyes.

"No need to hide your face from me,'s so beautiful." He would say, softly, and he would give you a small kiss on the lips, then he would smile.

"T-thanks, Gar." You would hug him tightly, smiling.

"Wanna get some McDonalds?" He would say, standing up, and pulling you up with him, he would then grab your hand, and would hold onto it tightly.

"Sure." You would say, smiling.

"Let's go then, dear."

(When you and Garcello arrive at McDonald's)

Garcello P.O.V.

"Alrighty, we're here. What do ya want, dear?" I would say, looking at them.

" about...a ten piece chicken nugget...and...a medium fry, with a medium sweet tea? What do you usually get?" They would say.

"I usually get a chicken sandwich, some fries, and a large sweet tea. Seems like we're sweet tea lovers, huh?" I chuckle a bit, smiling.

"Yeah, I guess! Hehe!" They would also chuckle a bit as well, their cheeks dusted with a light pink.

They are just so...beautiful...

"Go get a seat, dear, while I order the food, alrighty? Yes, we can sit at one of the LED tables in the play place."

"Yeeeeeeee!!!" They would excitedly exclaim as they rushed over to the play place, opened the door, and went to one of the LED tables.

"Heh, silly kid." I would say, quietly. I would then walk up to the counter, where Jane was waiting.

"Oh hey Garc! What's up? Seems you've been going here a lot lately...who was that person that you were talking with??? Why did you call them dear??" Jane exclaimed, quite loudly.

"Shh!...they're my lover. They sorta...confessed to me, we're dating. That's why I called em dear. You already know what I want, though, right?" I would say.

"Yepity depsticks! Yo Marc! Get Garc's usual ready! Anyways...what did the other one want?" Jane would say.

"They wanted a 10 piece chicken nugget, a medium fry, and a sweet tea, medium as well. Can...can you add a chocolate chip cookie to that too? I wanna surprise em." I would say, imagining the smile on their face...

"Marc!!! Garc wants to add a 10 piece nug, medium fry, and medium sweet tea, and a large choc chip cookie!!!...Alrighty brighties! Is that all??" Jane would look at me, smiling.

"I- erm- yeah. That's all." I would reply, snapping back to reality.

"Alrighty! Go on with your lover! Be careful!" Jane would say, his voice fading out.

I would open the door to the play place, and would walk over to the LED table where dear was waiting.

"Heya dear. I ordered the food. Turns out Jane and Marc had the same shift today. Quite weird, since they usually take opposite shifts...but okay." I would say, gently.

Your P.O.V.

You would be too busy playing with the table lights to notice Gar was there, but when you looked up, you saw him, and you jumped up.

"Sheeshy Petes you scared me Gar! Haha...I saw you talking to a person at the counter, seems like they knew you...who are they?" You would ask, curiously.

"Jane? Oh, he's just an employee who works here. Sure, he might look like a girl, but he isn't. And Marc is nonbinary. Speaking of the LGBTQIA+...I'm pan. Oh wait I'm off topic...hold on...uh...honestly I think they might be dating, though...or they're just really close friends..." Gar would say, but then he looked over at another table with someone else there.

"Oh god...not them...why would they be here? Why now?...oh god...oh god..." Gar would say, it seemed like he was getting overwhelmed, so you would take his hand off of his face, and would hold it instead.

"Hey...hey hey hey...Garcello? You okay? Should we move somewhere else? It seems like that person is making you feel overwhelmed...are they...your ex?" You would say, in a serious tone, while looking in his eyes.

He would nod a small 'yes'.

"L-let's...let's go to the main area, then Jane will be there...he'll be able to make sure that they don't do anything...let's" He would say, nervously.

You would grab his hand, and would hold it tightly, you would go ahead and open the door out of the play place, and would bring him to a table over by where Jane could see.

"Is this an okay spot?" You'd say, concern laced in your voice.

"Yeah, it's okay. I...I'm sorry. I just get so overwhelmed sometimes...that...that I...-" He would say, but then you would cut him off.

"Hey...hey hey's okay's okay...I get overwhelmed too...let's just...try not to think of it too much, okay? Let's just focus on that we're in McDonald's." You would say, in a desperate attempt to calm him down.

"Thank you, dear." He would say, quietly.

Suddenly, Jane rushed over to our table.

"Hey...I got Garc okay?" Jane would say, concerned.

"Gar saw his ex...he thought that maybe if you could see him, then maybe his ex wouldn't bother him since you were in view." You would say, with a serious tone.

"Oh...that little...stupid Suzi...erm...but uh...sorry...uh...I got your food. Enjoy." He would set the tray of food down, and would quickly walk away.

"Well...hey...we got the food. That's good. Should we eat now...or...wait a bit?" You would say, and would smile gently.

"Sure. Let's eat." He would grab his chicken sandwich, and would unwrap it, and would take a bite out of it. He would smile.

You would also smile too.

I hope that me and Jane could become friends...that would be cool.

But for now...

We gotta focus on us.

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