Chapter 3 - Forgetfulness

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Your P.O.V.

It seems like I passed out...I open my eyes, and see Garcello next to me, with his jacket around the both of us, seems like he was just waking up.

"Mhm...Gar...? W-what...what happened?"

He gasped, and gave me a big hug.

"Jesus kid...I-i...thought I lost you...I...I think you passed out...kid. I didn't want to bother I just set ya down, and let ya rest. I'm sorry." He said, with guilt laced in his voice, worry in his eyes.

"Its okay, Gar...I'm here now...I- uh...should I go home or-"

I was suddenly cut off by Garcello hugging me tighter.

"Please...don't leave...I- I would be lonely without you. I don't want to be lonely again...not ever." His breath was heavy, seemed like he was gonna cry again...

Garcello's P.O.V.

I had a flashback of a certain person casting me used to be lover...they discarded me like I was trash...I didn't want to go back to that, not ever...I'm sorry, kid, but I don't wanna be let go again.

"I- I'm sorry...I just don't"

"Garcello. Look at me, does it look like I'm gonna just leave you? I just met you, I'm not gonna leave ya, whatever happened...or happens...I'm gonna be here." They said.

But how do I know they aren't lying?

How do I know they won't leave me?

Your P.O.V.

It seems like Garcello has been through a lot...but I'm gonna have to go back home, it's Sunday, and I don't want my parent to get mad...

"Gar...I'm gonna have to go back home though, I- my parent is gonna get mad at me if I don't come back. I'll come visit you, though. Trust me, I will come back."

He softens my hold on me, allowing me to stand up.

" can have this, I think you deserve it." I unclip one of the bracelets on my wrist, and put it on his wrist instead.

"I know it's not much, but I hope it will be enough. Thank you, Garcello." I pat his head, and wave to him. I then go back home.

Garcello's P.O.V.

They gave me a bracelet. It's quite pretty...with the bright colors, and a cute little's nice. Just like them. I guess they might not leave me...


Garcello x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora