August 27th 2021 | y/n

Start from the beginning

I hug her tightly. "I'm glad that you- uh- took this so well." Dismay clear in my voice. She nods and hooks her head over my shoulder. "Do you want some tea or anything? I can-"

"Oh no, I've got to run. I have a stream planned today." I back away from her and walk towards the door. I see her smile widen just before I turn the doorknob. "With Dream again?"

My hand freezes still by the door. Oh great, my slightly overbearing and slightly gossipy mother knows about-

Well, it doesn't matter if she knows about Dream. He's just a guy. A friend of mine. I guess I haven't streamed with anyone else before. She watches my streams sometimes, and only my streams.

She saw my username on a recommended stream. It was pure luck. Bad luck.

I choke on air. "I'm sorry, mom, what?!" I tap the door with my pointer finger. She smirks and scratches her head. "He's famous." She says to me. I roll my eyes and turn to the door.

"My god, mom, we're hardly even friends. We've spoken once!" I open the door and look at her once more. She shrugs her shoulders. "I'm just saying that you y/n, could have a little romance in your life. You've never even had a real relationship! Sex doesn't substitute-" I yell to shut her up.

"UNH UNH AHH, MOM, STOP." I close the door behind me. I run from the porch to avoid my mother. The door opens and closes behind me. I scramble for my keys in my bag.

"Y/n, think about it!" She laughs. I finally find my keys and unlock the door. I get into my car and quickly back out of the driveway.

She's crazy. Just because I speak to some guy once doesn't mean I should date the guy. It's stupid, it makes zero sense. That's insane, I think Dream is cool. Talented at most, he's average, completely normal.

There is no part of me that wants to be dating right now. My sex life, is, first of all, none of her business, and second of all, just fine. I'm not trying to substitute anything for anyone.

ANYTHING FOR ANYTHING. Right. Anything for anything. There is nobody.

Definitely not Dream. I don't even know what he looks like. He's probably horribly ugly. That's the only reason anyone would ever hide their face, right? Dream is just the Minecraft guy. He can't be anything else.

I step up to my house and order Chick-Fil-A on Doordash. I then see a discord call from Dream pop up on my phone.

"Hi." I put it onto speaker. He coughs for a moment then he speaks. "Do you want to practice? Or play something- I don't care, just bored." He asks me. I smile to myself.

I walk towards my room. "Sure, but I don't want to practice, I don't want to be proved wrong," I say to him. He laughs aloud, almost like a wheeze. "We are not losing MCC because of lack of practice." The green ring around his discord profile picture blinks in and out with his laughter.

I open my door and close it behind me. "You just got home? Late night?" What is it with people and making fun of my sex life? I open my mouth to object. "Okay, first of all..." I throw my phone on my bed.

I grab a pair of shorts. "You have no right to ask me that question, I've known you a day." I pause for his reaction. I change out of my jeans and into the shorts. "Second of all, you are a creep and a child."

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