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"My Lord! I was um-" Bellatrix tried to explain what she was doing, but it was obvious

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"My Lord! I was um-" Bellatrix tried to explain what she was doing, but it was obvious. 

"I know exactly what you were doing Bellatrix."

"But my Lord she let them escape with that wretched house elf!"

"So you dare curse her?" He shouted, those death eaters in the room were appalled at what she had tried to do to their leader's daughter.

"Do you want to know how it would have felt?" Bellatrix was trembling, regretting her actions and wondering if she could escape like a coward.

"My Lord! I, I-"

"Crucio!" Voldermort shouted, his voice echoing around the cold halls of Malfoy Manor. Bellatrix ended up on the floor, her limbs stretched out as she laughed manically in pain, trying to hide her agony. The wizard was passionate with the spell. In anger, Voldermort stormed out, Naginia slithering behind her. 


"Are you okay Ariana?"

"A bit shaken but yes, what about you?"

"Bellatrix had no right to do that! What exactly happened?"

"Well, Bellatrix was going to kill Hermione but she's my friend and then I started to make Harry question the order. I think they'll go to Hogwarts."

Back at Hogwarts, while the students were in an assembly both sides of the war were planning. 

"It has come to my attention that this evening, Harry Potter was seen in Hogsmeade and I mention this in hopes that the truth will not be supplanted by a rumour. I urge if anyone has seen or heard from Mr Potter they come forward now." Silence in the Great Hall as Snape walked around, intimidating all students. 

"I have!" Someone shouted from the back of the hall, Harry Potter had returned to Hogwarts. Before he could respond, the order had burst in; Ron, Hermione, the rest of the Weasley family, Kingsley, Moody, Lupin, and Tonks. 

"How dare you stand where he stood!" Harry glared at Snape as Harry drew his wand.

"Tell them how it was that night, how you looked him in the eye, someone who trusted you and you killed him. Tell him!" The whole room was stood in anticipation, watching Harry's accusations. Snape just stood there, showing no fear.

Harry raised his wand, ready to strike but before Snape could prepare his wand Ariana had walked in front of him. She turned around, her hair flipping behind her shoulder as she stared at him.

"Don't do something you'll regret Harry!" She said, darkness in her tone. 

"I will not if I have to." Some students were shocked to see his adamant behaviour on hurting Ariana if necessary. 

"Miss Riddle, think about what you're doing." McGonagall walked up to the girl, neither holding any wand.

"Professor, I am merely stopping Harry from making a mistake. Dumbledore was not a good person Harry!"

"You're lying! You would say anything to protect your family!"

"Why would I? What would I gain from it?"

"So we wouldn't stop him!" Becoming frustrated with Harry she placed her hands on the sides of his head. She'd only read about this spell but Ariana was becoming desperate.

"Listen to me Ariana." Remus grabbed her attention by forcing her to look at him. "I need you to get out of here, I fear something is very wrong and you were sent the letter on purpose. Just not from me. Once I know more I will inform you. Go!" He advised as she gave an apologetic look towards Molly and apparated.

In the shadows was Dumbledore, putting his wand away. Staring at the girl in who escaped to Malfoy Manor.

"What was that?"

"This is what happened the night the Weasley's house was set on fire!"

"Stop lying! He would not be there." He refused to even think about the chance of his precious professor being present.

"He was responsible! He did it!" Moody hobbled over and attacked Ariana.

"Crucio!" This time, her father was not there to help his daughter and she collapsed to the floor in pain. 

"Alastor!" McGonagall was disgusted and rushed to her student.

"Stop this fighting, Harry Potter come forth to me and we can settle this."  Voldermort's voice was heard in every student's mind. 


haven't updated in a few days but these next few chapters are going to be time consuming and i've been busy but i can't wait for you guys to read them! i'm thinking of a new draco Malfoy book as i have some ideas..

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