He dumped the metal can next to the wall and pushed himself up onto the lid of the skip that rested against the wall, perching there. He cocked his head to look up at his work. “I agree. It needs a little something else. Want to help me out?”

She shrugged. She could spare a break. He smiled widely and she found that his face looked a lot less hostile when he did. They had something more in common at least. She rolled up the sleeves of her sweatshirt as he offered her a can of yellow paint.

“Where’s the brush?” She asked. He smirked.

Passing on his voice’s message: So depend on technology, girl? Use your goddamn hands. Take note that I made it sound nicer than it actually was.

Valerie had no choice but to dip her hands in the bright paint. She threw herself into the activity, trying to get other things off her mind, namely finding Tanner.

They spoke the bare minimum during their work. The major conversation consisted of Valerie saying: “You should come with us. We’ve got a little collection of houses in the middle of the wild. It could use some sprucing up.”, without taking her eyes off the wall.

You help me carry all of my tools and you’ve got yourself a deal.”

Valerie smiled at the wall trying not to look too happy.


“Nothing. I just remembered something funny.”

An hour, maybe two later they had finished and stepped back to admire their work. They had done quite well, drawing a variety of multicoloured patterns, diamonds, flowers, lopsided smiles – the sloppier ones were obviously Valerie’s.

“Good job for a first timer.” He said, offering his own orange hand to shake. She reluctantly accepted, managing a laugh at the squelch sound they made.

“Can I wash off my hands somewhere? I’ve got to go looking for my friend, Tanner.”

He pointed her towards the tap tucked into the wall at the end of the alleyway and ended up accompanying her.

Axel looked like he was thinking hard. He spoke up just as Valerie had got the last of the paint out from under her nails.

He finally spoke up and his words shook Valerie from her content musings. “He wouldn’t happen to be hanging around with some Hispanic chick, by any chance? I’ve heard the name mentioned.”

Her heart leapt into her throat. “I-I dunno about a girl but tell me what he looked like. Where did you see him?” Her words bordered desperate.

“I dunno- tall? Longish brown hair, tanned-ish. Like he was a white guy with a tan, I mean -  if that makes sense. Er- Green eyes? He was laughing. What? I don’t know what else you want me to say.  Ruggedly handsome, I guess.” Axel blushed under her intent gaze and rubbed his neck.

Valerie cried in out joy, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him. “Are you sure? Are you really, really sure?” She asked, eyes shining.

“Well I would classify him as rugged so yeah I guess-“

“Where? Where was he? Take me there, now.” She pushed him in front of her, giddy with excitement.

Slow down hon. Now don’t be too excited, okay? Just don’t get your hopes up too high.

What aren’t you telling me? Valerie thought but the voice chose not to reply.

“Tell me!” She whispered, a little too loudly.

“What? I told you everything I know!” Axel protested as she pushed him along.

“Never mind.” She still didn’t get an answer, much to her dismay.

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