Abel sent me a warm smile as he locked eyes with me. He slipped a red tulip in my hand before saying, "I'm not really good with words."

I twirled the flower with my fingers as my face heated up in realisation. He liked me back.

And he liked me a lot.

The slight urge to tease him took over me but I knew he was going to outdo me. As much as I wouldn't be able to hide my embarrassment, I felt the need to divert his emotions.

"I know," I smiled in response. "I have the tendency to leave people speechless."

"Not for good reasons, I suppose."

"What are you trying to imply?"

"I'm not trying to imply, I'm implying that you have an uncontrollable smart mouth."


"Yes, ouch."

I playfully smacked his head in response.

"I know your intention wasn't to hurt me but you ended up doing it anyway," he groaned as he rubbed his forehead with his hand.

"Normally I would apologise but you clearly don't need it," I smirked.

"See? You can't stop exposing your devious personality."

"Why would l stop exposing it? Many find it intriguing, including you."

He rolled his eyes in response.

"Come on," I drawled out, gently tapping his cheek. "You know I'm telling the truth."


"Besides, it's not like your cockiness is an amazing trait of yours either," I clapped back.

"Have you seen this face?" he asked rhetorically. "I think it serves as a valid reason to act the way I act."

"You're actually justifying your annoying behaviour? Unbelievable," I said, throwing my hands into the air.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"There's nothing to justify!"

"Whatever you say," he shrugged.

"It's exhausting talking to someone who is just as annoying as you," I said, referring to the conversation I just had with him.

"Tell me about it," he replied. "I know you purposely started this to ignore the elephant in the room," he said, referring to the moment we had a couple of minutes ago.

"Guilty," I said, looking at him. "I knew I caught you off guard and I wanted you too loosen up. We're friends after all."

"Friends," he muttered under his breath. "If only I could change that."

"If you meet me in real life and we're both single then I'll be yours," I said confidently because I knew that would never happen.

"Promise?" he smirked, showing me his pinky.

"Sure," I said, intertwining my pinky finger with his.

He sealed the promise with a kiss on our intertwined fingers which brought a slight smile on my face.

"I've got to go," I whispered.

"Whatever," he said with a hint of sadness. "See you whenever."

"Yeah, yeah," I said, softly kissing his cheek before closing my eyes.

end of dream state.

Overall I would say that my summer holidays were successful. The conversation between Mrs. Dlamini and my parents turned out to be fruitful, which led to my enrollment at the art studio. I spent my entire time at the studio attempting to improve my existing skills and learn new skills. I was proud of the progress I made and began to analyse pieces I could display at the upcoming exhibition. I turned 15 over the summer as well, which increased my physical and mental maturity. My height increased to 5"5, which I assume will be my final height.

Abel played several games with the French U21 national team and ended up snagging a contract with the senior PSG team due to his incredible performance. I was very proud of him. Seeing people achieve their dreams warmed my heart.

Ama practiced her "modelling skills" (taking better pictures, practicing cat walks, improving physical health, etc.) due to her aspirations to be a model. In my opinion, she had the potential to succeed because of her ambitious personality, a trait my siblings and I share. She also went through a growth spurt, which made her 5"9, the ideal modelling height.

Kai improved in different aspects as well. He finished his first novel, which was about a boy that got trapped in his sister's interactive book. Both of us share the same height as well, which slightly irked me. He was bound to have a massive growth spurt, which would leave me to be the shortest even though I was the oldest. The disrespect!

I was also able to meet up with my friends a couple of times throughout the holidays, which made things better. My relationship with Nita significantly increased after the first session with my mother's friend. They ended up having free weekly sessions which helped with her overall health. I was able to get more insight into Nita's life through the information she shared with me, which ranged from her mom's death, hectic living conditions caused by poverty and a hostile stepmother and her battle with Type 1 Diabetes. With the insight, I immediately connected the dots from our old conversations and her behaviour at school. I told her about my earlier experiences as well, which was primarily about "living in the air" as I'd like to call it. She got an insight on how the constant moving shaped me as a person. Personality wise, she was a gem. Despite her financial status, she bought me several things on different occasions with money she received from other people as her own way to show her appreciation, was very funny and gave me good advice.

"You know you don't have to do that for me. Your company is more than enough for me," I'd say to her.

"I know but just allow me to," she'd reply as she shoves a black plastic in my hand.

I was happy that we had built such a strong friendship.

My mother spent her time doing different activities due to her impulsiveness. Whenever she was done, we'd spend the day as a family. After the whole bleaching fiasco, my dad's original complexion returned. What surprised me was that he didn't didn't realise the change until my mother pointed it out to him. He worked on most days and spent free days with his "friends," making little to no time for us. He usually returned in the evening to make small talk before heading to bed. It wasn't anything new. We got used to it.

The new school year started, which meant more studying, more people and less sleep which sounded amazing! (sarcasm intended).

I reunited with my classmates and we went through the regular learning routine. I know I've said it a lot but I genuinely cannot wait until I escape this hell hole.

I got back from school and did my usual routine before going on Instagram. As I scrolled through my feed, my eyes glued to a very familiar face in a well known French football team's jersey.

Brain, stop playing mind games with me.

Before I could click on the picture, I received a message request from a verified account, which read: hey ;)



Yes, Sanaa is oblivious to the fact that Abel realllly likes her but I think she's getting there. 💀

Once again, thanks for the support 🤍

Twin Souls Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora