🔞 NSFW characters 🔞

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In this section there will be characters mainly or solely for NSFW rps. That means that these characters will have more extreme concepts, skimpier clothing and heavier kinks/dynamics.

Let me make one thing very clear, though. If I see just one (1) comment mocking/bullying/disrepecting/kinkshaming or making someone feel uncomfortable in this section, I will report you, block you and delete your comment. I could not give less of a tenth of a fuck  if it was just that one time or if you know that person. This book is a safe space and so help me if you disrespect just one person here, no matter what reason you have.
I will not repeat myself on this.

Now that that's out of the way

Pls keep in mind that at least 90% of these characters will be submissive. I myself am a sub, and I feel very uncomfortable if I have to be dominant in any scenario apart from teasing. Do not force me to do any of that stuff

Bottom line

Let's just respect each other.

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