Chapter Five

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The timeline was being altered.


Dream stared down on a nation whose walls had only recently been built, clad with expensive rocks from The Nether and bright yellow stripes, signifying cautiousness around their country. It was nothing but a small van, surrounded by natural ponds that were shallow and nearly dried up.

The sheath that Dream had fastened to his armor before leaving the house no longer held a sword. The sword, rather, was being held tightly in Dream's right hand, while the other hand held a single piece of iron and a fairly well-sized bit of gravel. The two items promised destruction, despite their insignificant appearances individually.

Dream chewed on the inside of his cheek while he stared down upon the nation, several people laughing and chatting inside. He recognized them, of course, and he despised them. He wished nothing more but for their lips to stop moving and their eyelids to fall shut, and remain that way for the rest of eternity, however long that happened to be.

He drew his attention away from the people talking, and instead looked at his surroundings, looking at each of the trees that his fire would soon spread to, leaving L'manburg with far less protection than they assumed they'd have.

When Dream had burnt it all down the first time, he had been pleased with himself prior to and after the events. This time, however, he was scared. He took notice of this feeling, nestled in his brain. He was terrified because he had no idea what would happen.

Before, Dream took comfort in the knowledge that he had already been through this timeline of events. He trusted that he could do things differently this time using his past knowledge, and destroy L'manburg. But whatever power had sent him here, whether it be the thing with the 'XD' mask, or something else far higher up, had decided that he didn't need familiarity. He needed disruption.

Dream took in a short breath as he turned to face his comrade. He had only brought along Sapnap, not wanting to risk anything. With only Sapnap, they could get in and get out with a practiced ease and not have to face any trouble. George had wanted to come too, but Dream had refused his offer and headed out the door with Sapnap in tow, not concerned with George's response.

And that put the two here, staring at each other in fear for what was to come next.

"How do we go about this?" Sapnap asked, breaking the silence that Dream had been hoping would last forever.

Dream looked down at his left hand, the flint and steel clinking together as he shifted. They rubbed together, making a few small sparks that died in the air, bringing no damage to Dream's bare skin. A part of him wished they had. He deserved the pain.

"I wish I didn't have to do this." Dream murmured. "I really wish I didn't have to."

He shifted his gaze to the ground, thinking about the fact that it'd soon be charred and covered in black and whites ashes, orange fire left to burn in the form of tiny flames, waiting to be put out by the next rainfall. Then he thought of the rain, how it would carry all of the ashes in rivers down the hill until it all gathered around the walls of L'manburg, a daily reminder of the loss of their surrounding forest, something that would've been helpful.

"You don't have to." Sapnap tried, placing a gloved hand on Dream's shoulder.

"But I do," Dream furrowed his eyebrows at Sapnap, as if he were mad at Sapnap for having ever said such a thing, "They'll take my land, they'll hurt my people. You know for a fact that they won't stop until they've taken everything from me."

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