4. Human alchohol win

Start from the beginning

" This is tacky phi. Why do you have to fucking bring me here. You could have tortured your darling Nina with this monstrosity; why me? WhAt did I ever do to deserve this? I was so good to you."

"Stop your theatrics!"
Flicking softly on the forehead of the pretty pouty face the alpha replies, his smile teasing but his eyes sad hearing the name of Nina and reminiscing how she had affected the younger and him.

" But phi it's so pricky dicky tacky place. There is even a bed in this booth come karaoke room. Shiya!"

He whines and shouts again purposely onto the ears of the alpha.

"Ouch! Shh not so loud idiot! And Language Oon. Language. And that's not bed Oon, are you blind? Its just another sofa Come bed. And this place is new and best of the best moron, for hanging out. The extreme drunk can even spend the night here rather than going back. The door can be locked."
And the alpha winks earning a hard flick back from the younger on forehead.

Unfazed the alpha opens a heavenly smelling snack packet already there on the glass table beside the karaoke set. And continues with a smile when the younger's face lights up even in the dim light ; as they both simultaneously dig into it.

" idiot never ever would I spend thousands of human dollar over that girl! Did you ask break up woes over Nina?! The answer is a loud NOOo00ooOo."

This time the omega covers his ears as the alpha returns the favour and continues with a teasing smile. Opening another packet, this time of sweet caramel treats. Oon's favourite!

"That drama of ending the farce that was being with her, was over six weeks ago. Thank the dear moon goddess. It's finally over! Hallelujah!
And why the hell are you bringing that vile woman up in our conversation. And that too at such a chillaxing place!

You of all people know extremely well , how I regretted succumbing to the parental pressure and forced to try dating her. That too for almost two long horrible years!"

Kong shudders visibly. And pouts like a petulant child himself. Nobody will believe the cold elegant introvert alpha can act like this. Well,..only with his Oon.

Arthit pats the elder's hand sympathetically. He definitely knows the mental pain and torment the elder had faced! It was a nightmare experience for both of them.

The elder frustratingly moves his hand over his tanned face and then through the thick dark locks. Meeting the concerned doe eyes he feels a pang . He knows these expressive sea of innocent golden tinted brown orbs, had cried for him and along with him, amidst the disaster called Nina.

A neighbouring high clan leader's daughter. The person his parents have found for him within six months into the first year semester college life. Their reason was deceivingly simple.

Kong needed a mate and a date for clan events, they stated firmly. And to show amidst the pack that their to be leader is getting matured enough and in a commîted relationship. He needs an able Luna by his side, to be taken seriously by the pack oldies.

What age old wives tale of judgments and prejudices! Though Kong has to agree, his parents did offer him a leeway. A six months gap to sort his own dilemmatic shit. To find someone acceptable to clan or to date his Oon, if he so desires.

Oon has always been a soft spot for his parents too. They adore and love the fiesty omega like their own son.

They had thus asked frankly about the beautiful younger to him. In the night of his eighteenth birthday. A birthday evening he spent dancing with Oon and laughing unabashedly. His parents knowing scrutinising eyes never leaving them.
That was also the night before his college life had officially begun.

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