Chapter 4

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The ride starts, making Al a bit uncomfortable but you grab his hand "just put your hands up and have fun." You smirk, he glared over at you knowing that no one has ever seen him uncomfortable before.

You look forward, You raise your hands and wag your tail. Accidentally hitting Alastor, he look over seeing your tail and laugh a bit, the ride finish. You jump out. Hoping around Alastor.

Alastor POV

This little imp... she's different.

I walk beside her with my hands behind my back, I lean down "so... imp.. what are you doing here?"

"Working for some guy who fucks my boss" she says without a tone of laughter nor sadness. I laugh "excuse me? What?"

"My boss is protecting some guy name Stolas, a owl demon from something but at the end, they have a fuck each other deal" She looks over and starts squealing. I turn my head to a balloon shooting Stand, I smirk seeing a cat toy and she points at it. "Look!! It's a THING!!" I smirk, I snap my fingers and I levitated the toy to her.

She shrieked and hug it. "Hey!!!" The guy screams, I turn my head. Using my powers to scare him and he chuckle "hey... thats one cute doll their.. hehe"

The imp squealed, squeezing the doll tight. I smile, wanting to pet her but I didn't, she walk ahead and I follow.


I smile, looking up at Alastor "thanks Alastor." "Your welcome my dear. May I ask... what is your name?" "Oh... well, my name is Y/N, did you forget?" I ask and he shrugs, I look forward, seeing everyone in front with the whole place on fire, I giggle as I see Stolas carry Octavia in the car.

"Oh my god! Y/N get over here!" Moxxie says giving a feared look at Alastor, I turn to him "man, people don't like you.... Meh"

I rip the tag off my new cat toy and grab a pen from my pocket. Writing my number on it and giving it to Alastor "here... text me or something" I shrug, walking away to Moxxie, Millie and Blitz.

"Hey Y/N, you know who that is right, sis?" "Yes Moxxie, leave me alone and go fuck your girlfriend or I'll take her" "she's my wife.... GRRR GET A APARTMENT!" "Get a life" I tell him as I jump in the van, looking back at Alastor and he smirk, I look out the window with my tail wagging.

"Oooh... you like him" I look over to Millie "pfft" scuffing a bit, I laid back in the seat, Moxxie drove.

"My sister won't be dating a hell lord, she's-" I punch him on the side, the van moved violently and I growled "your not my mom!!"

Alastor POV

Sitting at a bar, husk wiped the bar with his gray rag. I sat their, 'that damn imp... what is with her? Doesn't know me? Pfft..... grrr'

"Hey cherry pimp? What's wrong? You look like someone fuck you extremely wrong?" I look over at Angel dust and his annoying face was so close "no my feminine fellow"

"Well... what anything to drink?" Husk ask "no...." I turn away, 'this little imp.... Grrr... I-I have to kill her"

At home, you walk inside. Jump on the couch and put your feet up on the coffee table, Moxxie walked in with Millie, both of them sat down next to you, 'I know one way, to get Moxxie out of here' Chuckling to yourself you started flipping channels.

< after a hour >

"Just pick a channel Y/N!" Moxxie demanded and You shook your head "but their all so very good"


"Just pick a damn channel o-or we got movies?" He said, trying to convince you. Again you shook your head "no, Moxxie. Lay off"


"Then give me the remote" "so we can watch romance, hell no" Millie giggled at us and then Moxxie walk up the stairs, I finally chose the news and I smile at Millie

Bzzt bzzt

"Um, Y/N. I think your phone is going off?" Millie pointed to my pants "or...  I'm happy to just see you" You said, grabbing your phone making Millie giggle. I look down

???: is this the little imp I saw at Looloo land?
Y: um... yeah. Who is this?
???: forgotten me already, that breaks my heart. My dear.
Alastor, duh. You giggled

Y: Hi Overlord Alastor. What you want?

~name change- Alastor🖤

Al: I was wondering if you'd like to go get something eat.

You smirk, laughing. Millie got up "gonna go to bed now, see ya tomorrow Y/N" "night Millie."

Y: "I don't know

"Ooohh~ Moxxie" you started blushing as you heard moans. You quickly got up, grab your keys and walk outside your door


You walk down the street "damnit Moxxie... having sex... ew"



You look down at your phone, 2 notifications


Moxxie: I won
Y: wait till I have someone over.

Al: come on my dear, it'll be fun..
Y: fine, meet me at the damn park near Imp city.

<Skip time>


I sat at a bench by myself, I didn't want to go back due to my brother fucking my ex girlfriend...
I cross my leg over the other, I lean back on the bench and started to mess with my hair a bit.

"Hello my dear" knowing that voice I turn to it and saw Alastor "hi their, Bambi" I giggle and he stop, he look at me in a surprise look, his beautiful eyes were widen. He sat down beside me, I look up at the sky "so tell me, why are you hanging around me...." "Well my dear" I gasp "let me guess, your S-Imping for me?" I laugh, hearing another laughter. I laugh even more, leaning on him as we both laugh.

"My dear, that was funny" he used his finger to wipe a tear from his cheek.
I smile "thank" "oh look, is that your worker?" A bunny demon asked, interrupting me as we both turn to her.

"She's so small, listen-" Alastor stands up, walking up to her "my dear, please stay here while I bring this bunny back to Alice ( in wonder land 🙂😉🙂😉 )

Alastor left with the bunny wrapped around his arms around her. I sighed, crossing my arms..... he didn't just leave to screw some bunny... damn.

I got up and left the area, I am not staying here to be his damn leftovers.

I walk down the steps that the park have, I went inside a bar and smile, climbing on a stool.

"Hello, what can I get you? Let me guess. Something sweet" "nah, just cuz I'm a imp doesn't mean I drink small shit, get me a whiskey"

The bartender smile, patting me on the head "nice to know their are imps who can drink" I chuckle as he walk away.

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