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Suna POV

"Samu" I call out to Osamu who was sitting in his usual hospital bed. He turned his head and smiled at us as Atsumu and I made our way in.

"Samu! I got scouted by a university to become their setter! I'm also going to a training camp so I can't stay here tonight but Rin will stay in my place so don't miss me too much" Atsumu said as he sat in the chair next to Osamu's bed. "Once you get better we can play volleyball together again!"

Osamu nodded but something about him seemed off. He had huge eye bags around his eyes. His face had lost its colour and he looked almost lost. Although he held a smile you could tell he was really forcing it.

"Samu you okay?" I ask softly. I placed my hand on his cheek.

"I'm fine."

"Rin I love you so much."Osamu says.

I laugh at his sudden confession."love you too" I say kissing him.

The three of us chatted until Atsumu had to leave to go back to his training camp.

I stayed with Osamu and sat next to him as he lay in bed.

"Rin? Remember our first date?" Osamu asks.

"You mean the one where we went to the movies and you mistook me for someone else and only realized you were whispering to another random guy until the movie was over?" I say. I recalled the memory. It was really funny actually. Osamu and I had gone to a movie. Osamu had taken a seat first. I had gone to the washroom to calm myself down since I was really nervous. When I came out I found Osamu and just slipped into the seat just as the movie had started. It just so happened another guy with brown dark hair sat on the opposite side of Osamu. Osamu had been whispering to that male throughout the entire movie. Only at the end the guy asked for Osamu's number which got Osamu confused. He immediately grabbed my hand and the two of us ran away. He told me about what had happened and I just laughed at his stupidity.

"That was so embarrassing." Osamu says.

"Well remember that time we snuck into the school and camped there for a night?" I ask.

"Of course! Luckily the janitor didn't find us. That was a fun cops and robbers" Osamu smiles.

"Hey Rin? I love you." Samu says.

"What's with you today? I mean I love you too"

"I just want you to know" Osamu says kissing me.

Osamu soon fell asleep. I placed a kiss onto Osamu's lips before I had fallen asleep with Osamu in bed. The two of us were cuddled up against each other.

Everything felt perfect. Thinking that was the biggest regret I ever had.

"Osamu Miya, passed away while sleeping. I'm sorry for your loss."

That was all I could hear when I woke up that morning. My whole world just came crumbling there and I couldn't do anything about it. I cried. I couldn't do anything but cry.

Osamu had died in his sleep. I WAS SLEEPING RIGHT NEXT TO HIM?! WHAT THE FUCK?!


Atsumu had immediately heard about the news and he was just as bad as I was. He couldn't take it. He couldn't believe that Osamu was dead.

"Samu yer not really dead right? Haha stop playing games with me. We aren't kids anymore.." Atsumu was delusional. All day he had been talking to an imaginary Osamu he had created in his mind. Sakusa had tried to help him but it was no use.

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