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Osamu POV

Days past, weeks past and now months had past.

I knew my condition was getting worse. My chest was in so much pain and pain killers no longer had an effect on me. Some days the pain was unbearable that I would just cry from the pain.

I always made sure to keep a strong face in front of Rin and Atsumu though.

The doctor said I didn't have much time left.. I didn't know how to feel. I wanted to live long enough to graduate highschool at least. But even though I had thought about these things, I couldn't even be that upset otherwise it may trigger my heartbeats to become irregular. Just as I was thinking another surge of pain went through my chest. It felt as though I have been electrocuted continuously. I couldn't take the pain.

"ARGHHHHHH" I yelled in pain. I gripped onto my chest. My head was spinning and my vision was getting blurry.

"SAMU" I heard. It was Atsumu and Suna who had burst through the door. I tried my best to try and withstand the pain. I didn't want them to see this side of me. No. They can't. But I couldn't bare the pain. It was no longer in my control.

"DOCTOR HELP." Atsumu had ran out to call. Suna ran to me and tried to comfort me but it was no use. The pain wouldn't go away. I could feel the tears pour out from my eyes.

Please tell me this is a dream.

It wasn't and that's what made it a million times worse. I didn't even know what was better anymore because if being alive meant facing this pain then I'd rather be dead. Then again, I couldn't just leave Suna and Atsumu like that.

The doctors came rushing in. I watched as Suna was pulled out of the room. The doctors came and injected several doses of who knows what. It didn't really help much. In fact, nothing changed.

I woke up to the sound of doctors surrounding me.

"Ah I see you're awake. How are you? You had passed out from the pain earlier." A doctor said. I passed out?

"My chest hurts." I say.

"Yes we are trying to figure that out right now. Your punctured heart has gotten bigger. Unfortunately that does mean you won't have much longer to live. Unless we can get a heart transplant, I'm afraid there is nothing else we can do." The doctor explained.

"S-so how much longer do I have left?" I ask fearing the answer.

"About a week. More or less."

"Oh." I was speechless. I couldn't even react otherwise my chest would burn.

"Osamu, I would like to say how strong of a patient you were. You fought through the pain and I know you are still experiencing it but you were a patient that always held a smile. Even though you knew the outcome you held strong. I know this week isn't gonna be easy since you will be facing pain like the one you just experienced and may have to say goodbye. I pray you rest well but we'll try everything we can to get you a heart." The doctor says holding my hand.

I couldn't help but let the tears roll down my face.

The doctors around me all bowed. I was thankful for them but I just wished there was another way.

Once the doctors left I was left by myself. I decided to write a letter to Rin and Atsumu. I gave the letter to the nurse and just sat in silence.

The doctor had earlier explained I may only have one more attack before you know... I just hoped they could find a heart in time. I had to be extra careful this week.

I grabbed my camera before flipping through all the pictures. I needed to remember them. I never want to forget.

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