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Suna POV

"Boys? Sorry but visiting hours are over. Please stop disturbing the patient as he needs rest." A nurse came in.

"Please let us stay here. We can sleep on the couch or the floor. Just please don't make us leave." I beg the nurse. The nurse thought for a while before nodding.

"I'll bring you some blankets but please stop disturbing the patient" She said before walking out the room.

Atsumu had replaced my spot and was holding onto Osamu's hand tightly. I sighed before pulling Atsumu up and placing him onto the couch.

"Sleep, Atsumu." I say. Atsumu just laid on the couch. It's as if his souls had left his body. The dark eye bags around his eyes and the puffy red eyes really emphasized his lifeless body.

The nurse came in and handed me the pillows and blankets. I walked over and placed the blanket over Atsumu before lifting his head and placing the pillow under his head. I then walked to Osamu's bed before placing a kiss on his forehead and whispering an I love you before making myself comfortable on the ground.








The sun beamed through the window blinding me as I got up. My back kind of hurt but nothing new since I always hunched.

I looked over to Atsumu once my vision cleared up. Atsumu was still sleeping, snoring quietly. Maybe I should tell his Omi Omi about the situation for him. He needs someone to comfort him and I know his boyfriend would be the next option since Osamu wasn't able to.

My eyes then trailed towards Osamu's bed and there I saw, Osamu who was sitting up. His oxygen mask no longer on his face as he looked out the window. A soft smile on his lips as the sun shown onto his face.

"Samu?" I whisper under my breath.

"Rinny? Yer awake already? Ya should sleep more?" Osamu scolded me but he still had a smile on his lips.

"S-Samu, you scared me so much" I ran up to his bed.

"Sorry Rin, I didn't mean to." Osamu said combing my hair with his fingers.

"I'm just glad you're back" I sigh in relief, just enjoying the feeling of Osamu running his fingers through my hair.

"S-S-Samu?!" Atsumu finally awoke from his slumber. Both our head turned towards Atsumu who had already begun crying.


"Tsumu, this isn't yer fault. It was the drivers fault. It was only his fault so don't ya dare blame yerself." Osamu said before flicking Atsumu's forehead.

"B-but now ya can't even walk.." Atsumu let out a loud whimper.

"Well at least I'm alive and get to make more memories with ya" Osamu responds trying to wipe Atsumu's tears.

Atsumu had a very strong emotional connection with Osamu. The two of them had lost their parents at an early age and lived with their grandparents until they became old enough. In our second year, their grandparents had passed away and the twins lived together in their grandparents house. They had only each other so this incident may have caused Atsumu to go through an emotional trauma.

"Don't ya guys have school?" Osamu asks.

"No we'll stay with ya until ya comeback to school with us." Atsumu responded.

"The doctor came in this morning and said I will have to be in the hospital for a long time." Osamu says. "Ya guys should just go to school, I'll always be here, waiting for ya."

"But I need my boyfriend their with me to make school bearable." I say.

"And I need my brother to play volleyball with and to cook for me and to keep me company and to talk with me and to walk with me and to-" Atsumu began to list out. "I'll be out soon. Don't worry." Osamu interrupts.

OSAMU POV(Before Suna and Atsumu woke up)

I woke up to see myself in a hospital. I tried to sit up but I didn't have any feeling in my legs at all.

"W-why can't I feel my legs" I mumble to myself. I used my arms to pull myself up before taking off the oxygen mask.

I felt pain all over my body. What even happened? I then thought back to what happened. There was a crazy driver heading towards Atsumu and I. I jumped to shove Atsumu out of the way... that's all I remember. My mind wandered to Atsumu. Oh my god is Atsumu alive?! My mind started to imagine things I didn't want to come true.

"Miya Osamu?" I was snapped out of my thoughts as a doctor came in.

"Excuse doctor but where is my brother? Is he okay? Is he hurt?" I question. The doctor then points at the couch across the room. There I saw Atsumu sleeping on the couch. I sighed in relief. I also noticed a figure sleeping on the ground next to Atsumu. Rin?

"I would like to discuss some unfortunate matters with you." The doctor started. I looked up before taking a deep breath. This wasn't gonna be good.

"Miya Osamu, you have been in a car accident. The car hit you really hard and you're landing wasn't the best either. You have a puncture in your heart which will cause your heartbeats to be irregular. While you were in the ambulance your heartbeats in fact slowed down so much it actually stopped." The doctor explained. I gasped at it. So I died?

"Luckily the paramedics and your will to survive brought you back. Unfortunately, I'm sorry to tell you this but you won't be able to live for long. Your heart is considered very weak now. Any sudden shock or emotional ride could cause you your death." The doctor said sadly. I nodded slowly taken in the news. So basically I was like a robot. I can't move on my own and I can't express too much feeling otherwise my heart will stop or put me in shock.

"D-do they know?" I ask pointing at Rin and Tsumu.

"I told them about it but not the part about where you have not long to live." The doctor says.

"What about my legs?" I ask.

"There is a lot of muscle damage in your legs. The car hit your legs hard breaking both of them which may be why you can't feel them now." I nod once again.

"H-how much longer do I have?" I ask looking down at my lap.

"A couple months.. it's possible to live longer if you keep your heart stable but..."

"But what?" I ask.

"You will be experiencing a lot of pain these months. We of course will provide you with painkillers but we don't know how long those will last before you become immune to them. Right now we already injected some into you and I don't know if you can feel the pain?"

"I-I feel pain..." I respond.

"I see. Well we will try our best. Do you have parents we can contact?" The doctor asks.

I shake my head no.

"Alright then, I'll leave you to rest." The doctor bowed before walking out the door leaving me in the room to think.

I couldn't help but let tears stream down my face but even then I had to be careful. If I cried too hard my heart may begin to beat irregularly. What am I gonna do? I sighed before calming myself down. U better make the most of these months with the time I have left.

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