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Suna POV


That was all I could hear as I watched Atsumu run towards Osamu before dropping to his knees and hugging his twin... my boyfriend.

I sprinted towards them, dropping to my knees myself as tears pricked my eyes. Atsumu already had tears streaming down his face as he held into Osamu for dear life.


In my peripheral vision I could see a couple people pulling out their phones to call. I immediately shot up and slammed the car door open of the car that hit Osamu.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER, COULDN'T YOU SEE IT WAS A RED LIGHT?!" I yelled pulling the man up by the collar. That wasn't even the worse part, the man reeked of alcohol. He was a drunk driver.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! I threw the man onto the floor as he began to throw up. I just let him swim in his own puke before rushing back to Osamu's side.

The ambulance came and the paramedics rushed to Osamu. They placed him into the ambulance.

"Sir please let us come too." I pleaded.

The driver looked at me before nodding. Atsumu and I got into the back with Osamu.

Before I didn't notice but now I could easily see the profound amount of blood Osamu had lost. The only sound in the ambulance were Atsumu's soft whimpers and the slow beeps that signals Osamu's heartbeat.





My eyes widened as I heard that sound. The paramedics were saying things and began doing chest compressions. I couldn't even process what was happening. We were losing him...

Atsumu had been crying non stop. I held onto Osamu's hand as I prayed for a good end to this.

"He's back" a man said and that's all I needed to hear before letting out a sigh of relief. The beeps began again and we were once again sitting in a silence.

After what felt like a long ride but was really only around ten minutes, we finally arrived at the hospital. Osamu was instantly rushed into the emergency room where he would be battling for his life. Atsumu and I weren't allowed in and had to sit outside.

I watched as Atsumu dropped to his hands and knees and began crying. I couldn't help it either, my tears began pooling down.

"Why? Everything was perfect today. So why. Why did it have to be him."

Eventually I had no more tears left to cry. My eyes were all swollen and my sleeves were all wet. I stood up and walked over to Atsumu who was still crying. I pulled him off the ground and walked him over to the chairs. I helped Atsumu sit down but he immediately lay down on the chairs. His whole body curled up into a ball. I just rubbed Atsumu's back as we sat in the hall filled with tension.

We just anticipated the red light that symboled that someone was in the emergency room to turn off. I looked at my phone to check the time but I instantly regretted doing it. My lock screen was a picture of Osamu during one of our cafe dates. He was smiling as he was holding up an onigiri as if it were sent from heaven. His face held an unyielding smile and brightened up the entire room. Before I knew it, water droplets were covering my phone. Oh... I was crying again.

Hours and hours had passed. Atsumu had eventually cried himself to sleep and I was left in silence.

"Family of Miya Osamu?"

My head snapped towards the door. I abruptly shot up which seemed to have awoke Atsumu as well.

"Here, How is he doctor?" I asked.

The doctor had a clipboard in his hands as he flipped through the pages.

"Well, Osamu is alive but I can't say for certain that he is okay. As you know, Osamu had lost a lot of blood. He was hit really hard in mainly his lower half of the body. I assumed that he must have tried to jump out of the way but unfortunately did not make it out successfully. When he landed he hit the back of his head which caused it to bleed a lot. He won't be able to walk like how he used to, in fact it would be a miracle if he can walk again." The doctor explained. Atsumu had already begun crying. My hands couldn't stop shaking at the news.

"The bad news is.." the doctor again started.

"YER TELLING ME THERES MORE?!?" Atsumu was hysterical. I don't blame him though since I felt the same way.

"It seems there was a puncture in his heart. This can cause irregular heartbeat. It can either begin beating too fast or too slow or it may even stop. In the ambulance you were able to witness the heart stopping. Understand that Osamu now must be treated with extra care if you want him to live longer. Any issue could cause Osamu to have a heart failure." The doctor read from his notes.

(Sorry idk if this is accurate or not but just pretend it is)

"Can we see him?" I asked. I didn't want to hear anymore. I just wanted to see Osamu.

"He will be out in room A11." The doctor says before heading back into the emergency room.

"C'mon Atsumu, let's go to the room." I mumbled trying to pull Atsumu up straight. The two of us dragged our feet's towards room A11. Once we arrived, I mentally prepared myself before opening the door. The room was all white with a large window that showed it was already night time. It was a single room with a single bed and on the single bed laid Osamu. I immediately ran to Osamu's bed and my tears once again fell. Osamu was wrapped in all sorts of bandages. There was an IV bag on the side which was attached to his arm.

Osamu had a peaceful expression on his face even with everything he's gone through. His eyes were closed as his long eyelashes lay on top. He had an oxygen mask on to help him breath.

"Samu..." I cried out.

"Samu.. please wake up." Atsumu whimpers out.

"We need you Osamu... I need you." I said as I held his hand.

"I love you."

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