Chapter 22

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5 hours later.

This is taking longer then I thought it would.

Hefesto: Y/N!!!!! Come here!!!!

I go back in.

He gives it to me, and puts it in my hand.

Hefesto: We thought about the gauntlet Thanos used, but Aphrodite gave it a delicate and feminine touch.

Aphrodite: The stones are connected by only one chain and it is considerably light. Thinking on how much weight you can lift. But that is not all. It can became a necklace, you just have to do this.

She shows me what to do.

Hefesto: And of course the weapon. If you infuse your magic it will become a sword. This is a better metal then Thor's Mjollnir, so it is very resistant. And each stone is covered in this gold metal so they won't be seen.

I infuse my magic. What a beautiful and light sword.

Y/n: It's perfect, I love it. Thank you. What do I need to do in return?

Hefesto: Don't worry about that.

Y/n: Are you sure? I can pay

Aphrodite: It is not right to ask a queen to do something like that. Besides, you are your little cousin.

See? I told you. But I almost forgot I was the queen.

Y/n: I am in debt with you. If you need anything just call.

Aphrodite: Consider it a gift for your 1000th birthday. We didn't give you anything.

I smile

Y/n: Thank you

Aphrodite: I heard Zeus is going to invite you for a banquet.

Y/n: I better get going. There is someone I need to see.

Aphrodite: Uhmmm that Peter boy is it?

Y/n: Aphrodite stop looking in my love life!

Hefesto: A human? Can't wait to see father's reation to this.

Aphrodite: We are not going to tell him.

Y/n: Thank you.

I leave and pass by the great hall, not being seen.

I call for Hermes.

Y/n: Take me out of here before Uncle invites me to a banquet

Hermes: Sure thing.

He takes off

Hermes: Where to?

Y/n: New York, Queens.

Hermes: Queens? What do you what there?

Y/n: I want to talk to someone.

Hermes: What about Thor? He must be waiting for you

Y/n: Can you tell him I did what I needed? You can tell other Avengers if you don't want to talk to him.

Hermes: Fine.

Y/n: Thank you.

He takes me to Queens, He puts me in a rooftop.

Y/n: Thanks for bringing me.

He just flew off. OK, gotta find Peter now.

Y/N with the Avengers Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora