
Start from the beginning

Rindo: thank you!

Accelerator: yeah yeah just stop yelling.

The two went on more attractions going to different stans with accelerator getting rindo plushies and the two going on rides then getting food suggested by accelerator as he didn't want rindo throwing up after they got off the rollercoaster.

The two sat down on a bench and for a break and eat there food

Rindo: i love food!

Accelerator: and i love black coffee.

Rindo: this is fun right!

Accelerator had to amit that this was pretty fun but he wouldn't admit it

Accelerator: it's fine.

Rindo: aw i know you like are fun together.

Accelerator made a low tch sound and continued eating his food

Rindo: well do you like your time in (school name)?

(A/N): i don't know what to call the school....bruh-

Accelerator: it's going fine. Hey what class you in?

Rindo: hephaestus. You?

Accelerator: hestia.

Rindo: hestia.......hmmm. you wouldn't happened to have a special weapon right?

Accelerator: this?

Accelerator said as he pulled out his gun

Rindo: yeah that one! Oooooo it's so shiny.

Accelerator:...................... your a child you know that right?

Rindo: hehehe i get that alot.

Accelerator: so what level are you?

Rindo: now were asking questions are we? Alright, am from the magic side and am level 5.

Accelerator: magic?

Rindo: yeah look.

Rindo opened her hand as a flame pop up as accelerator staired at the flames

(Those vectors aren't normal....)

Not to mention the flame was glowing too...white to be accurate with its orange color and white lines coding the tips of the flames

Accelerator: interesting flame you got there.

Rindo: yup! Now i got a question!

Accelerator: tch. Fine ask your question.

Rindo blushes a bit but asks

Rindo: ...are you single?


Rindo: are you single?

(I might regret answering but fuck it am having fun)

Accelerator: yeah am not in a relationship.

Rindo grew a big smile

Accelerator: it's getting late we should go.

Rindo hearing this frowned

Accelerator seeing rindo sad made him.......sad as well...?

Rindo: yeah let's g-

Rindo was about to get up when accelerator sat her down again

Rindo: accelerator?

Accelerator: tch. Stay right there I'll be back.

Accelerator walked off as rindo sat there and pocked her fingers together

Two Albinos in academy orario cityWhere stories live. Discover now