Marie perked up. "I talked to Jackson about getting together."

"How'd that go?" 

Her smile turned forced and she gripped the steering wheel a little bit harder. "He said he only sees me as a friend, but I think he's just playing hard to get. You know how guys get."

Or he just doesn't see you that way. I didn't say it out loud because I value our friendship, but I'm a real believer in being real and upfront when it comes to relationships. With me, what you see is what you get. No games or deception. When I stand at the alter, I'll be the same person as I was on the first date. 

"What about the whole duck thing? Are people still talking about it?" I'd rather everyone move on from it. That's as close to breaking the law as I want to be. Rebel Luna is taking a long vacation. She may even get lost on her way home.

She laughed for a few seconds. "Someone took a video of Tate running with the ducks chasing him. It's gone viral throughout the town. He's been really pissy about it. It's hilarious." 

I don't like Tate, but having an embarrassing video of you floating around town sucks. 

Maire pulled into the school. 


Ten minutes before lunch, the school announcements rang. "Teachers and staff, check your email immediately. I repeat check your email immediately." 

My English teacher, Mr. Wiggle, put down his chalk and went to his computer. 

Josh turned to face me. "I was thinking that we can probably get our senior project done in like four hours."

I nodded. "Good. I just want to be done with it."

"Am I that bothersome that you can't even spend time with me, Luna?" He pretended to be hurt. 

"Pretty much." I joked. 

He rolled his eyes playfully. "Whatever."

"Get a room." Tate groaned. 

"How's the arm, Wall-e?" I bit back. 

Tate narrowed his eyes at me, but surprisingly didn't respond. 

"Attention class." Mr. Wiggle interrupted everyone's chatter. "According to the email that all of the teachers received, there is an issue with the water heater. According to the district's policy, students cannot be in school when an essential piece of equipment is out of order. The school will be dismissing in ten minutes. 

Tate raised his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Marks?" 

"I have to take a piss." Tate told the teacher bluntly. Classy.

"Uh, take the pass."

"We should go to McDonald's for lunch. I'm starving." Marie complained. 

"I didn't bring any money though." I whined.

"I'll pay for you." Jackson offered. I'm still not on good terms with him, so I just ignored him.

"I didn't bring any money either. I forgot my wallet, Jackson." Marie quickly said. She leaned over her desk and pulled down her top slightly. My best friend knows what she wants and is not afraid to let everyone know it. 

"But I saw you use your wallet to buy a water from the vending machine just this morning." Connor piped in.

There was an awkward silence among our group.  

After a few seconds, Josh cleared his throat. "Anyway, we're talking about the McDonald's on fourth street right? We'll meet you two there after the final bell." He gestured towards Marie and myself. 

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