What is he? (part 1)

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(3rd person pov)
The next morning Lucy woke up, she went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. She looked through the door way into the living room. The couch, indeed had been slept in but the blanket was folded up and no one was there so Lucy thought nothing of it. She then decided to make so pancakes for herself. She sat down and started eating when the door opened. In walked the handson pale fellow who was staying at her place. 'I can't remember if he told me his name or not I was so tired last night.' Lucy thought to herself. He shut the door and took off his shoes. As he turned around he looked startled for a minute but then seemed to remember that the owner of this house had come home last night. "Hello, up already?" he asked. "Yes, would you like some breakfast? I made pancakes." she asked. He looked at the plate of pancakes that she held out to him. He looked like he thought the whole idea was insane but he quietly replied "n..no, I just ate and I don't really care for pancakes anyway." "Oh really you don't like pancakes?! I'm sorry then" "it's ok, its not your fault, you didn't know." He said as he sat down in the chair across from hers and sighed. "Oh, what's your name again?" "My name is Natsu Dragneel" he said without making eye contact. The rest of their day was mainly just them trying to get used to each other living in the house with the other. They soon caught on to each other's habits, like how Natsu always snuck out and ate then would come home and sleep the rest of the day until it would start getting dark out then hang around until Lucy went to bed.

*2 Months later*

Lucy wanted to see what Natsu does we hen she goes to bed so she faked going to bed and in a half hour Natsu gathered his things then went outside. She followed him up the street he stopped in front of a dark ally where Lucy could see 2 figues standing in the ally, they looked like gangsters from what Lucy could see.
Natsu went into the ally, Lucy walked to the corner so she could peer into the ally to see what was happening.

(Lucy's pov)
I peered into the ally wondering what Natsu was up to. 'Is he a gangster, does he always hang out with these gangsters?' she thought as she watched.

(3rd person pov)
He walked up to the 2 gangsters. They were drunk and wore out so they didn't know he was even there. Natsu sat down next to 1 of them and faced them. He leaned in close to the ganster's face. Lucy couldn't believe what she saw.

(Lucy's pov)
I saw Natsu sit down next to 1 of the gangsters. 'What is he doing?' she saw him lean in close to the guy's face. 'Oh my god did he just bite the neck of that guy?!' I heard a faint noise I figured it was from the gangster he bit since Natsu had covered the guy's mouth with his hand.

(Natsu's pov)
I was an so hungry, once Lucy had drifted off to sleep I quickly ran out to go eat. Since I am a vampire my diet is blood, I had to find someone. I normally would go into the forest and find an animal to take blood from but tonight I don't have the strength to go find an animal. I heard some voices and found them coming from a dark ally way I quickly ran up the one of the guys and covered his mouth with my hand and I leaned in and bit his neck. He made very little sound so that was good. His buddy sat next to him so once I was done with the one I did the same to the other guy. The blood wasn't the best blood I've tasted but what do you expect from gangsters blood. After I was done with my dinner I wiped my mouth on one of their shirts. I got up and heard something.

(Lucy's pov)
I saw Natsu turn the corner once he had finished off the gangsters. I went down the ally way he had went down as I got closer to where Nastu had bitten the 2 gangsters, I gasped when I saw they were dead. I decided to keep following Natsu. As I peered around the corner Natsu disappeared down I felt an arm grab me from behind and a hand cover my mouth. Someone wispered in my ear "if you want to live then you will tell me why you were following me and never speak of this to anyone else. Do you understand me?" I nodded in response. He then let me go, as I turned around to face him he seemed shocked. "LUCY!!" he wispered. He wiped his mouth, I guess making sure there was no more blood on his mouth.

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