Chapter 1

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Whitekit, Smokekit and Snowkit had known each other since they were born. So Whitekit knew when something was up with her friends. Snowkit and Smokekit were always planning reckless things, like that time when they found a baby bird and tried to keep it as a pet, or that one incident with the elders' bedding. Whitekit wasn't sure what could possibly be 'greater than that', as Smokekit put it. Snowkit, the youngest, was the most excited about this plan that she had ever been about anything. 

"We're going to sneak out!" She whispered dramatically. 

"What? No," Whitekit immediately said. She was very used to saying no to them. "Kits aren't allowed out of camp. You know that!"

"But whyyyyyy???" Snowkit whined. "We are almost apprentices anyway! A little trip outside won't hurt! Honestly, the kittypets get more freedom than we do." 

"Plus, we'll be back before anyone even realises! Come on Whitekit, please?" Wheedled Smokekit. 

"Arrghhh!" Whitekit groaned. "Ok fine! I know you'll just go without me if I don't agree, and that would be WAY more dangerous. We'll leave at moonhigh, no earlier, and be back before the sun rises, deal?" She said sternly. The others nodded, excitement shining in their eyes. 

"This is going to be AWESOME!" Smokekit grinned.


"I didn't think it would be so... white," Snowkit whispered. 

"Which? The outside or Whitekit? Literally, Whitekit. I can't see you except your eyes, nose and mouth," Smokekit giggled. It was true, Whitekit blended in completely. She smiled, proud of her snowy pelt. 

"Well, you've seen the outside, now let's go back," she said, her nervousness overwhelming her pride. Every rustle in the few trees sounded like the Clan coming to get them, or even a fox. Foxes stole kits, that's what the elders said. 

"You're too paranoid, Whitekit. Stop stressing! It's not like a fox is gonna jump at us this very moment!" Smokekit said.

Except, that's exactly what happened.

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