What we have built is only the beginning,

404 6 3

Her shield arm screamed as another bullet slammed against her defense. Behind her Ren got up off the floor with a pant, his aura was still up but one more of those damn bolts would bring him down.

Mercer chuckled at something, the sound so different from Jaunes and muffled from the mask he wore.

He floated to the floor with a barely a sound, the shield of Hot gold and Gnawing violet winking out a moment later. He was more vulnerable on the ground, atleast that was what she observed.

"NOW!" She ordered and charged forward, sword becoming javelin in her hand and Semblance reaching out to grab at anything on not-Jaune but finding nothing.

She was quickly in melee range, thinking his skills lay with his pistol and not close quarters. His body language was almost unreadable as he easily dodged and weaved around her, somehow always keeping her between himself and Ren.

She trusted her javelin forward at his chest, sure that it would hit,  only to receive a palm to the face and a blast of energy washing over her.

Then it got dark.

Light in shadow, Salvation in Damnation

The girl fell, more like Flew, backwards. Void based Gravity manipulation shunting her back into the wall .

The ninja didnt seem happy about that, though he remained skillfully composed.

"Well, that was disappointing." He said lowly as he watched the gladiator fall out of her imprint on the wall. He honnestly hadng meant to do that, he meant to hit her and dart backward out of range.

He raised his handcannon and aimed at the now moving ninja.




The ninja fell down, a bullet of that caliber smacking into his stomach and his 'Aura' breaking was simply to much for him.

He sighed and shifted his eyes toward the Clock on his HUD. Half an hour minutes to his date.

"I have a date in Vale. Mind if we pick up again tomorrow Ozpin?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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