Chapter 30

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Arthur took a step back. Alfred was in front of him in fighting position. Like Gilbert, he had a glowing gray complexion with neon-like colors. A bat was held fast in his right hand. The only difference was that his eye colors were switching so fast that his pupils almost looked like a buzzing tv screen with bad reception. 'He's fighting it...' "Arthur, get back! I'll defend you!" Francis stepped in front of him, his dagger ready and his stance ready to take a stab. "No!" Arthur angrily yelled, shoving Francis out of the way. "Don't hurt him! He's obviously being possessed, you god damn frog. Stop playing hero!" Francis looked annoyed. He opened his mouth to say something, then calmed down and sighed. "Fine, Arthur. But don't expect me to stand still if he tries to take your life." Arthur nodded and looked at Alfred.

"Alfred, I know you're trying to fight this." He put his hands in front of his face with the back of his hands facing him. "I'll get you out of this mess." Alfred lunged at him with a war scream. Arthur dodged his first attack and shot a light green ball of light at him. 'Aim for the head. That's where the source of possession is.' He reminded himself. Alfred rushed towards Arthur again, a narrow hit almost gave Arthur a bashed head, but he barely evaded it and dove behind him to shoot at his head again. Alfred let out a cry of rage and turned around. When Alfred came this time, Arthur wasn't quick enough. Alfred jammed his bat into his leg, earning a cry of pain from Arthur. "Ah!"

"Arthur!" Francis yelled. Alfred lifted his bat over his head to strike his wounded victim just as Francis darted in between him. Time seemed to slow down as the two struck. "NO!" Arthur screamed. He closed his eyes, unable to watch what was going to happen next. There was a gust of wind, then silence. He felt blood splatter on him. Arthur opened his eyes. "?!" There was no blood. The two weapons had not penetrated the owners. Instead, they stood still, right above a small stream of water that poured from thin air. Arthur touched his face. He looked at his hand.

[Chapter Changes]

'Water?' He looked up. The small stream had grown a bit, and some just floated there. He furrowed his eyebrows. 'Is this...' He waved his hand. The water turned dark red. A dirty blonde man dressed in Spades clothing appeared. The two weapons had wounded him. Blood trickled down his head and torso. "mA...tTiE?" Gilbert whimpered behind them. Alfred's colors abruply returned to normal and he collapsed, his bat falling with him. Francis dropped his bloodied dagger and looked at his hands. His hands started to tremble when he saw that they were coated with blood.

"E-eh?" The strange man whispered as he fell to the ground. The dark aura in the room disappeared. "Mattie!" Gilbert ran to the man and held him up by the shoulders. "No! Don't leave!" Tears started to pour out of his eyes. "You can... see... me?" Mattie asked. "Yes! Yes, Mattie. I can see you." Gilbert answered. His tear drops fell onto Mattie's face. "Ah... Thank goodness... The curse is gone..." Mattie smiled. "Yes, the curse is gone now, Mattie. You can be seen now. You're going to be fine, Mattie. Don't die!" Mattie closed his eyes. "I... missed you..." He coughed some blood out. "I'm sorry... Gilbert..." The only sound in the room was Mattie's heavy, hoarse breaths. Then, it was silent and still. Gilbert trembled. "No.... Mattie no... Please..." He started sobbing hard as he hugged the corpse. "Don't go..."

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