Corrupted Azrael

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Looks: deathly pale skin with red veins being visible on his arms going toward his heart and eyes, his eye color has changed from gold to fiery orange with black sclera, his hair is still black with white tips his battle outfit hasn't changed he still wears a black trench coat with silver armor on under it with black jeans and black combat boots with silver accents also his symbol has changed from a skull with two scythes behind its head to the same just with blood leaking from the sockets.

Personality: apathetic, merciless, hates weaker people

More info: how he reached this stage is because Salem had used a corrupted shard of the first reapers soul and has fused it with his so now he's the perfect killing machine and will not stop until he sees this world fall.

"This world will fall and ill be there to watch as it happens"- Corrupted Azrael

(This one is somewhat short cause I honestly thought of this at last minute but that's the corrupted form of Azrael)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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