-°~Chapter 1~°-

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Word count: 1,120
No one's POV:

No one is created equal.

There are only very few people that get everything they could ever ask for, though those people usually end up being total pricks.

Though in this world, there is even more description that can only make you sick to the bone.

You see, in this world there are things called quarks, they're essentially super powers that pretty much everyone have, these powers can go anywhere from being able to talk any language you want by just saying the name of the language, to talking to animals like a modern day Disney princess. now of course with these types of things there's always a draw back if you use it for long periods of times, in fact it's fairly rare to not have a draw back. for instance if you could jump super high the draw back to it would be sore or paralyzed from the waist down for let's say an hour or 2.

Now that we got the quarks out of the way let's talk about the significantly less amount of people without quarks, the quarkless.

People that do not have quarks are known as the quarkless, there aren't many people that are known as quarkless but if you were unfortunate enough to be one of them you'd wish for death, why you may ask? Well they're treated worse than dirt itself, They're treated as the freaks of nature that's only purpose in life is to be others' slaves and or punching bags, which is why it's rare for someone quarkless to still be alive by the age of 14 and if you do manged to live even longer than that then you must be one lucky bitch.

Now that we've got that covered let's get on with the story yeah?

There stood a man on top of an abandoned building, you wouldn't be able to see him unless you really paid attention but he was there, watching and observing everyone. for what we don't know, but he is.

He was wearing black sweat pants that were held up with a blood red belt that held some of his support gear but we'll get to those in a moment. his baggy sweatpants had pockets that can hold lots of things, though their main function is for snacks. He's wearing black combat boots that have sound absorbent pads in the bottom of them. his top is a tight fitted black long sleeved t-shirt, the sleeves go up to his hand and are held there by a string that goes around the middle and ring finger. it has a hood that has cat ears attached to it, the ears are black (Just like the rest of the outfit), with cameras in it, it's hidden by the black fur. to top it all off he was wearing a mask that hid the bottle half of his face.

Said man was crouched down on the roof, watching or maybe waiting for something? Someone? Who knows!

Why was this guy sitting on a roof all by himself? Well he's a Vigilante, the very well known Vigilante Plag (If you know you know).

Said Vigilante's real name is Izuku Midoriya. He has green and black hair with an undercut, along with toxic green eyes that could only be described as mesmerising.

Izuku looked around before letting out a sigh of frustration. "Who ever is watching me I suggest you come out now!"
he looked behind him to see a figure coming out of the shadows.

Ejiro Kirishima, the no.1 hero of Japan. He was wearing baggy camouflage red and black pants, red combat boots, and of course a black tank top. He's always nice and compassionate when talking to people, even the Villains! He's a true hero in Izuku's eyes.

Izuku smirked under his mask. "Well, well, well~ if it isn't the no.1 hero~"
he said teasingly, the mysterious glint that hid in his eyes made it obvious that he had something planned for Kirishima.

Kirishima walked over next to Izuku crouching down slowly as to not startle the Vigilante. "So, has it been a busy night?" He asked with a head tilt.

Izuku shook his head. "Nope, fairly calm tonight actually. I wish it was like this all the time," he said while mumbling the last part but made it clear enough to hear.

Kirishima nodded. "Same! I wish crime would just stop!" He said with a pout.

Izuku giggled at Kirishima's face. "Yeah me too, but unfortunately we all know that's not gonna happen..." He said with a small frown, though of course Kirishima couldn't see it.

Kirishima nodded. "Yeah, unfortunately..." there was small awkward silence after that.

Izuku let out a small breath before trying to start up the conversation again. "So, how have you been?" He asked.

Kirishima let out a breath silently thankful he's starting up a conversation. "Good but that damn Dynamite... Ugh he just gets on my nerves! He always fucks with me!" He said angrily.

Ah yes, dynamite. The no.1 Villain, also known as Katsuki Bakugou or as Izuku likes to call him, Kacchan. he's been going hard for years, his kill count gets larger everyday that goes by. Izuku has also had the pleasure of meeting him, that's also when he had a reunion with his childhood friend/bully. It was weird and he kept flirting with Izuku. Then he kept showing up randomly to just flat out flirt with him while also making fun of him. It makes Izuku mad but also kinda special... It's weird but he takes what he can get.

Izuku nodded along. "Yeah... His flirting is getting way more aggressive, it's weird if I'm being honest," he said truthfully.

Kirishima nodded. "How long do you think it'll be before he just plainly asks you out?" He asked.

Izuku shook his head. "As much as I hate him flirting with me I don't think he has it in him to actually ask me out." he started to giggle at the thought of Katsuki growing a pair and actually trying to ask him out.

Kirishima couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. Yes he could admit he was a little jelly when he hears Katsuki has been flirting with Plag but he hasn't actually made a move on him so it was just fine, right?

Both males completely stopped laughing when they heard a yell ring out in the distance. Izuku looked over at Kirishima. "Well, duty calls!" He said as he started to run in the direction of the scream.

Kirishima smiled. "Yep... Duty calls..." He mumbled as he watched Izuku disappear into the night.

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