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Jhanvi's POV :-

I sit playing with my food while Dadi instructs me about all what I need to do when I go to Shimla .

I and Aryan have to go to Shimla to Aryan's ancestral home . There we will have to do some pooja as it's a ritual for the newlyweds to take blessings from a temple which was built by Aryan's great grandfather . Sameer , Mira and Sia have already left for Shimla as it is their hometown . Plus they went early for all the preparations.

"Dadi , won't you come with us too ?" I ask her .

"No , honey I can't . There is very little strength in these old bones now. "

"Huh , who says you're old !"

"Yeah , yeah . Keep fuelling her fake beliefs." Aryan said being grumpy . He for sure hates all these rituals and rites .

"She is still young and can break bones of others and don't you say otherwise ." I fake threaten him.

"That's my daughter ." I give a hi five to Dadi.

"But Dadi what if I do something wrong ?"

" No dear . I have trust in you . And Mira is there to help you out . Also this big muscly man of yours is there to help you ." She points her fork towards Aryan.

"What ? I am doing no such thing ."

"Shut up Aryan . Don't argue with me on this . It's the duty of the husband too to help his wife in this Pooja. "

"Whatever ." He grumbles and continues to eat.

"What time are we leaving Aryan ?"

"Today evening around seven ."

"OK. So I am done now , I'll do the packing ."

"Oh no, no . I asked the maids to pack your bags . You come with me , I'll explain you few things before you go to Shimla. "

I look at her suspiciously but brush it off.

"I'll just ask the pilot to keep the jet on standby ."

Then I and Dadi go to her room and she explains me everything what I need to do. And I like an obedient child listen to every details. I want to do my best in this.

We reach the airport and get into his jet . And let's just say his jet is woah. We had our dinner on the plane and somebody has his grumpy face on. His bulky bodyguards accommodate the seats behind us .

"What's with the long face ?" I ask Aryan turning to face him.

"You want to know , so listen, I don't like these stupid rituals . "
I gape at him .

" First of all these are not stupid rituals ."

"Yeah , yeah ."

" OK you can be grumpy when we reach Shimla but for now , let's watch some movie. "

"No , I am not watching movies right now." He argues back with a frown .

" Yes we are and get rid off of that frown , too much frowning leads to wrinkles." I joke around and he looks at me like I-am-this-close-to-jump - off-from-here.

I just ignore his stares and play Tangled .

"Are we seriously going to watch an animated movie ?"

"Huh , of course we are . And mind you Tangled is one of the best Disney movies."

He just shut his mouth as he knows arguing with me will be completely waste of time . He just sat there with hands folded against his chest and glaring at the laptop screen so hard that it might crack anytime. On the other hand I was enjoying the movie and even squealed when Eugene took Rapunzel to watch the lanterns.

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