3. Adventure begins!

Start from the beginning

The South Sisterhood Temple was messy, but considering the siege that happened it was understandable. Soon they were shown where they can rest for the night. But the party was more interested in studying the corpse of the Elemental and what is this aforementioned Dark Militia. Slowly four of them examined the body, they figured that it must have been a male Light Elemental, most likely a paladin, just like Thavin. That would explain why he was hard to beat, he must have still had access to some of his paladin abilities. Blood of the Elemental seemed to not be tainted. They let Thavin have his gear as it was not tainted by darkness from how their checks performed and Thavin needed it badly, all his equipment he used in that battle is broken, even if it doesn't look like it. But the other creatures weren't as lucky as this Elemental, they were just pure darkness. Virion noted that the blood of these other creatures must have been tainted as well, for it is black, as he discovered whilst washing his robes. Athel practically barricaded himself in local library, reading every book on Dark Militia and spells he can find. Larrel was persuaded by local priests to bless this place and Thavin decided that this Elemental deserved at the very least a proper grave, which he's currently digging.

One of the priests approached Thavin, „why do you want to burry that thing?"
„That's no thing! It is an Elemental, and paladin like me," replied Thavin, turning towards the priest, „he was twisted and turned against his nature, he deserves at least a marked grave, I do not know his name, but I still shall honor his death. I already exchanged our armour and weapons, he may not have agreed to such decision while he walked among us, but I refuse to let his memory die, yes I never met him before, but I will never forget his face."
As Thavin was saying that, the corpse, next to the shallow hole he was digging, started glowing again, it seemed Thavin's words brought the Elemental back to life. Although shocked Thavin kneeled next to awaking Elemental, who blinked few times before registering the Dwarf in his view, „who are you? Was it you who saved me?"
„I am not important at this moment, I don't think I saved you either, I'm the one who slit your throat," replied Thavin, Elemental reached his hand toward his face.
Thavin let him touch his face, soft touch on his cheek was comforting, „you are important to me, you saved me from falling into darkness, I have but a few moments, name for a name, alright?"
„Alright then, I'm Thavin," said Thavin and let his hand touch the Elemental's hand.
Elemental started to dim again, „I am Luminus, my armour will guard you and my sword shall never leave you my savior, I name you Thavin Luminus, I give you my title Paladin of Splendor, meaning brilliance, and a new title Saviour of Light Elemental, farewell my friend."

Your name was changed to Thavin Luminus
New Title Recieved: Paladin of Splendor, Saviour of Light Elemental
Reputation with all Elemental Factions increased to level 50!

Luminus' hand relaxed against Thavin's. Luminus only came back to name Thavin as part of his bloodline and title him, even called him his friend, even when he knew they'll never meet each other again. Priest was confused, but Thavin was in tears. He read about Elementals beforehand, thinking he might play as one, but decided against it. Now he regretted reading, he might have just met Luminus, but already they formed a strong bond. Thavin lowered Luminus' hand, but still held it, and looked at the priest with tears still rolling down his cheeks, „can you please make sure his grave has a tombstone with his name?"
Priest took a single look at Thavin to know it was important to him, „yes, I'll issue him one personally, but please tell, what is so important that he needed your name?"
Thavin looked at the dead body of Luminus before answering, „he gave me his name, amongst Elementals it means that I am now his family member, it is usually done with orphaned children, but I did say I wanted his memory to live on, Luminus was Paladin of Splendor, if I understood him correctly Splendor in this title means brilliance, and he passed his title to me, he regards me as his saviour and in a way I did save him, I only wish we got to him faster, might have truly saved him too."

Athel sat at a table, few stacks of books in front of him. No book was quite what Athel needed and nobody even knows what books they have. Another book of the same vague description of Dark Militia. Athel put the book on a stack and took another one. He read few passages before closing the book, „I give up! Library if there is a book that might help me show it to me please!"
No response, of course the library is just a normal library, no magic to help search here. What Athel didn't expect was a priest walking over with an old grimoire, „here, take it, it's rightfully yours, perhaps it will come in handy."
„I, thank you," Athel was speechless as he took the grimoire in hand. He immediately notices the energy of it, the same as his robes. He look at the priest, „is this Grimoire of Yarus or am I just imagining things?"
Priest looks at him with wonder in his eyes, „we don't know, when we went down to establish the South Temples it came with us, we never managed to open it."
As Athel looked at the Item Description he froze for a moment, it is called Grimoire of Yarus. Just like he is wearing Robes of Yarus, he is holding Grimoire of Yarus, „you actually brought Grimoire of Yarus with you."
Priest looked at him as if he was crazy, but was soon left amazed at how easily Athel opened that Grimoire, „say how did you open it when all before you failed?"
„I worship Yarus, don't fret I do worship our Lord Eher the most, I also am wearing Robes of Yarus, so the Grimoire might think I'm Yarus because of that, but we can never be too sure," answered Athel and read some lines in the Grimoire before it started turning to completely different page all by itself. Priest was kinda scared and Athel marveled at what was on the page. It was dedicated to Dark Arts and Dark Militia.
„How can you be so calm? The book turned pages on its own," priest was seriously freaked out by this book.
„For starters, it's a Grimoire, ancient spell book, and it could have belonged to a god," replied Athel and looked at the priest, who was now few meters away, Athel smilled toward him and motioned for him to come closer, „don't be afraid, I don't think it bites and I have no ill will toward you."

Tales of Farunasa: Gods and AdventurersWhere stories live. Discover now