Chapter 1: Wilbur?!

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No one pov:
It had taken a lot of time and effort to rebuild L'manberg back to it's former glory, but they did it they got the country they fought for so long to have. Tubbo was now President of the great country with Big Q helping him run the country.

Tommy was exile after destroying George's house, he was now on an island that only two people visited him Mexican Dream and Drista

Fundy was still upset that Wilbur his father died

Philza couldn't get over the fact he killed his own son

Techno didn't take the news that his twin brother was dead because of the government he made had made him insane

With just saying those few it was clear Wilbur's death had effected them in some way or form, what non of them knew was that they were going to have to new resident of L'manberg...

Philza pov:
It was a peaceful day today the sun there was no cloud in the sky "I should get out of the house" getting up from my chair I grabbed my hat puting it on my head before heading out

While walking outside I saw how everyone covered the mess Wilbur made...'I still can't believe I killed him' getting lost in my thoughts a big gust of wind blew my hat off "HEY!" running after my hat I ran into someone without realizing they were there
"Sorry about that mate" after I help them up I finely got a good look at the person I bumped into, they had dark brown hair there eyes were chocolate brown they had a yellow sweater on

'I still can't believe I killed him' getting lost in my thoughts a big gust of wind blew my hat off "HEY!" running after my hat I ran into someone without realizing they were there"Sorry about that mate" after I help them up I finely got a good lo...

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'Is this some sick joke'

"Hey you ok there man?" Snapping out of my thoughts I realize he was handing me my hat back "Ah! Yeah I am fine" taking my hat back and putting it back on I see that the male was looking over to wear L'manberg was "So do you live in that county?" Nodding my head yes his eyes sparkle the same way Wilbur's did when excited "Do you mind showing me around?"

"Sigh" looking at the male I noticed that he was making faces to make me say yes "Alrighty I will show you around" the male jumped up excitedly "But" when he heard that he stopped and looked at me confused "You need to tell me your name" the male must have finely realize we haven't told each other who we are yet

"Oh yeah sorry about that" holding his hand out we shake hands "I am Y/N and you are?" Giving Y/N a small smile before I answered his question "You can call me Philza"

"Alrighty Philza show me around the place!" Before I could say anything he started to run off "Hey!" Running after him I knew one thing for sure 'He may not be my son but I won't let him get hurt like Wilbur'

Time Slip:to night

Fundy pov:
It was almost night but for some reason I couldn't sleep, while I was about to head home I saw that Phil was still awake with all his light on 'That old man should be asleep' walking over to the door I hear someone talking to Phil all I could hear was:
"You should stay the night"

"No buts"

"You can't!"

All I could hear was grandpa Philza's voice but before I could move someone open the door hitting my head making me go out cold

Time Skip:to midnight

No one pov:
Fundy woke up being hugged by someone, turning around Fundy saw his father Wilbur laying next to him. As fast as lightning Fundy hugged Wilbur back while he silently cry that his father was somehow back to life. What Fundy didn't know was that Philza had just woken up and saw what was going on, he knew that Fundy thinks Y/N is Wilbur and not having the heart to tell him it's not Wilbur no matter how much Philza wants it to be his second oldest son. From the whole day Y/N act just like Wilbur when he was still happy and carefree about life and not worrying about wars and government

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