Brian got the meaning, "A solo album."

Paul pipes up to rub salt into the wound, "Two actually."

"One more word from you and I'll throw you out the bloody window." Roger would have help from Alice on that one.

"That will take years Freddie," John states.

Roger knew money would have a big influence on this, "How much...? What did they pay you...? I want to know..."

Freddie burst, "4 MILLION DOLLARS! I mean the route is killing us. You must all want a break from all the arguments, royalties, who's song gets on the B-side, you must need a break."

Brian tries to reason with him, "Freddie, we're a family."

"No, we're not! You've got families, wives, children. What have I got?"

John huffs, "You have 4 million dollars, why don't you buy yourself a family."

"You know it's him that's the problem," Roger points a finger at Paul, "He's been breaking you apart from us for years."

"Oh now your just acting like a child."

"No, he's not." Brian backs him up, "You know he's the reason Alice ended up under that drum riser and nearly dead?"

"Oh what a load of rubbish," Freddie rolls his eyes, "How long did it take you to come up with a story like that?"

"It's not made up Freddie, Alice told me and I believe her," Roger knows it to be true because it was a serious conversation they were having when she brought it up, there was no hint of lying in her eyes or voice.

"Then she's making it up."

"Are you calling me a liar?" Alice rounds the door frame scowling at the singer.

Freddie looks like a deer in headlights, "Alice, I..."

"You know that's why you will never be the favourite," Alice interrupts him, "Because you never believe that that arsehole has had something against me from the start. If you need proof that these guys are not just saying it, that he has something against me then talk to Roy Baker, he'll back me up."

"If this is true then why is it only being mentioned now?" Freddie tries to reason with her not wanting to believe it.

"Because I didn't think you would believe me and look, I was right. You think I'm just an attention-seeking brat, if that's the case maybe that's how I should act from now on. All your bullshit promises about you'll keep me safe, protect my secrets and always having someone to turn to, you're a hypocrite," Angry rages inside of her and out floods the emotions from her fight with Molly earlier.

She's almost backed Freddie into a corner at this point, "Maybe Molly was right, I am hiding the real me. I've tried for so long to be the girl who does what she's told, trying not to get into trouble and give people a chance when they make mistakes and look where that has gotten me."

Roger tries to pull Alice back to calm her down comfort her but she rips away from him, "No! No, look where being the good girl has gotten me, my own mother hates me, that fruit fly treats me like shit when I've never done wrong to him."

New tears run down her face, "I ended up with cancer, my dog, my best friend got hit by a car and dies. Most of the school dislikes me because I'm gay, my girlfriend has just broken up with me and now my uncle, a guy I trusted with my biggest confession kicks me in the stomach by calling me a liar. Is it any wonder I keep something like that a secret?"

Freddie looks her over, guilt weighing heavy in his stomach. Brian and John don't know what to say, they've never seen Alice like that and it's heartbreaking. Roger fears what her words mean but before he can say anything she backs off from Freddie grabbing her bag from where she dropped it on the floor and heads for the door.

"I'll be home at some point, don't wait up I have a key," The hurt in Alice's eyes burn into Roger's heart and she storms out of the Lodge.

"Nice going Freddie," Roger scowls at him, "You have just pushed my daughter over the edge."

After storming out of the Lodge Alice walked for what must have been a few hours or so, it's turning dusk when she finds herself outside Adam's home.

Walking up the path she knocks on the door, Adam answers but doesn't get a chance to speak, "I want to see her."

"She's upstairs, you okay?" Adam frowns.

"Never better," Alice pushed past him and up the stairs. Bursting into Molly room she smirks, "Let's find my style."

Molly grins, "We'll start with the hair."


It's nearly 3 in the morning and Alice still isn't home, its the weekend so Roger doesn't need to worry about getting her up for school but he's still extremely concerned.

After Alice stormed out of the Lodge, Roger drove around to see if he could find her. He didn't find her on the streets so assumed that she's gone to one for her friends, he's decided to trust her words that she will come home but if she's not home by a more decent hour then he will drive to each friends house to find her.

While thinking that he hears the front door open and close, climbing out of bed he leaves his room heading downstairs. He finds Alice in the kitchen searching for something but her appearance does little to ease his worry.

Her once golden blonde hair now has green and pink strikes in it and most concerning is the smell of smoke and alcohol that radiates from her, "What time do you call this?"

"The witching hour," She snorts, grabbing a biscuit out of the biscuit jar.

Roger stops her from walking past him, "I've been worried sick. Where have you been? You stink too, have to been drinking and smoking?"

"Yep Marlboro Red and Fosters, your favourite," She snickers trying once again to pass him.

He stops her, "The hair is different but I get that this is you finding your style though school won't like it," He remembers her earlier words, "But what I won't accept is you drinking and smoking, your 14 Alice!"

"I'm only two years off, besides takes one to know one," She shoves past him this time and up to bed.

Roger leaves it alone for the night hoping that with some sleep, Alice will realise her mistake.

So a while back someone asked me if I'd ever consider doing a child rebellion in one of my stories, I can't remember if it was a comment in one of my books or on my account page but it stuck with me. I said no at the time because I was writing Miss Mercury at the time but I think it works well for this story.

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