Zdrada: now that's just playing dirty

Bailiff just sticks her tongue out and I just pet Bailiff's head as everyone else starts making their way down stairs

Pandemonica: *yawns* (Y/n), coffee, now

(Y/n): in the kitchen, on the desk *Pandemonica just nods and makes her way to the kitchen*

Justice: so anything awesome on the agenda today?

(Y/n): considering yesterday's incident no there isn't but if you want we could spar after breakfast

Justice: that would be totally awesome

Lucifer: I'll be the referee

(Y/n): that's all well and good Lucy but I was thinking ether Beel or Judgement being the ref, since well Beel has put damage to Justice and Judgement has actual experience against me so if the worst happens they step in

Lucifer: b-but b-but-

Justice: I agree to that

Judgement: sure I just want round two against you

Beelzebub: I would be delighted to

???: a sparring match love, tell me are you going to work on your wicked weaves then?

I turn to the voice to see Bayonetta and Baphomet come walking down the stairs in casual clothes

(Y/n): yes and where are you to going?

Baphomet: well we're going shopping!!

(Y/n): cool just don't get into any trouble and can ya get groceries on the way home

Bayonetta: of course, goodbye Mummy~ *leaves with Baphomet out the front door*

Charlie: um

(Y/n): don't ask Charlie, let's go have breakfast and no Lucy you're not making it

And with that Bailiff jumps off my lap and onto the floor as I get up and make my way to the kitchen

<time skip 15 mins brought to you by Chibi Judgement playing catch with Chibi Bailiff>

Narrator's p.o.v

After everyone had breakfast they all went outside with (Y/n) and Justice in there regular attires standing there facing each other

(Y/n): we should probably lay down some ground rules

Justice: sure let's hear them

(Y/n): first rule; no attacks that leads into a fatality, rule 2; no chip shots and finally beware of how much power you're using because I don't want any unwanted company

Justice: so you're as you are?

(Y/n): well I wanted a good challenge so yeah

Justice just nods as both (Y/n) and Justice get into fighting stances with Justice's stance looks similar to that of a kickboxers while (Y/n)'s is the standard stance for CQC, as they stand waiting for someone make a move then (Y/n) chances her stance to a Hapkido stance then Justice dashed towards (Y/n) and throws a punch at (Y/n)'s midsection but (Y/n) blocks the stack and joint locks Justice's elbow then hip throws Justice to the floor but Just recovers quite quickly then launches a spin kick to (Y/n) jaw which connects and sends (Y/n) flying into a tree coursing it to break in half and paralyzing (Y/n)

(Y/n): *starts to heal herself* jeez she kicks hard

Zarathos: yes she does but we can hit harder

Once (Y/n) finished healing she teleports behind Justice and lands two palm strikes into Justice's back forcing her forward and tumbling to the ground

The Rider's Harem (Futa Reader x Helltaker)Where stories live. Discover now