"He's from the Middle Realm." Fan Zhuo said with a frown.

"What!?" Qiao Chu exclaimed in disbelief, his eyes wide.

Fan Zhuo's eyes were narrowed, as he delved deep in thought.

"Didn't you guys notice it earlier? When that youth was about to lunge earlier, he had emanated slight traces of purple spiritual power. I do not remember that there is anyone in the Lower Realm who was able to breakthrough to the purple spirit level in their teens."

Fan Zhuo's reminder suddenly made all of them realise the small detail that they all had overlooked earlier.

"People from the Middle Realm..... Why did they appear here?" Hua Yao's brow was deeply furrowed.

"People in the Middle Realm, are all purple spirits?" Jun Wu Xie asked suddenly.

She had noticed something queer about the youth earlier and what she had felt for him was a feeling similar to what Qiao Chu and the others gave her.

Chapter 572: "A Killer Youth (4)"

But Jun Wu Xie had the slight feeling that that youth was stronger than Qiao Chu and the others and that the other three men behind the youth were not weaker than the youth.

The sudden appearance of four powerful characters had forced her to practice a little more caution and to be careful in dealing with them.

Why had these people from the Middle Realm appeared here in the tiny Chan Lin Town for no good reason?

"You can't really call them purple spirits." Hua Yao explained, his face in a frown: "It's just that people from the Middle Realm possess a unique method that allows them to amplify their powers to a state where they are at a purple spirit level. But that method does not allow us to maintain in that state for long periods. As our spiritual powers increase and develop, that period allowed to us will also be extended, and gradually attain a true purple spirit."

The reason that the Middle Realm was mightier than the Lower Realm was because once their ring spirits awoke, they would already be able to employ the powers of a purple spirit.

The fact that four men from the Middle Realm had suddenly and mysteriously appeared forced Hua Yao and the other companions to be doubly cautious. In the Cloudy Peaks the previous time, they had encountered only two of them and that had nearly cost them their lives if not for Ye Sha's selfless sacrifice.

This time, there were four of them. Although they could not ascertain whether they were from any of the Twelve Palaces, they knew they could not afford to make a single wrong move.

He Chang Le had never in his dreams expected that the auction which had been at a new peak of fervor never seen before to suddenly end in such a way.

The auction could not continue and was stopped in the middle. He Chang Le's face was pale as he quickly got people to properly clean up the place and remove the bodies.

When Jun Wu Xie and her companions were leaving, He Chang Le had escorted them as he forcibly put up a false front of bravado, but it was not difficult to sense the despair he was in his heart that he was trying futilely to hide.

After such a bloody incident, he was not able to determine whether the auction by the Chan Lin Auction House this time was a success or a flop.

But after this auction, the youth and the other three men with him had suddenly seemed to have disappeared into thin air and they never appeared again ever since.

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