He knew better than anyone what kind of a temperament his own daughter possessed. Ning Rui had privately approved of Ning Xin's power and her deviously scheming mind privately. She had always been cautious and dependable when carrying out her schemes and when he found out that she had stirred up so much trouble with such dire consequences this time, Ning Rui had been rather shocked.

Although he knew that the severity of the matter would even implicate the reputation of the Zephyr Academy, but Ning Rui could not leave his own daughter in the lurch. If Ning Xin's misdeeds were made known and spread, not only she would lose her standing in the academy, even his position as the Vice Headmaster would be put at risk.

Hence, Ning Rui had had no choice but to lower himself before Fan Qi this once, and pleaded with tears in his eyes. Fan Qi had relented when he was reminded of the fact that they were fellow disciples under the same Master and had allowed them to secretly remove Lu Wei Jie and the others, to hide the truth of the matter.

Expelling more than twenty disciples all at once, was also deemed to be a form of answer to Rong Heng and Long Qi.

"Yes. I have committed a big mistake in this matter and I plead for my father's forgiveness. I promise to be extra careful in future." Ning Xin nodded obediently, but her heart was still in a state of panic.

"I will leave Yin Yan in your hands for the time being. You should know very well how he should be used." Ning Rui said, his eyes staring at Ning Xin.

Ning Xin acknowledged, submissively docile.

Ning Rui sighed and asked again: "You are sure you saw them clearly? Jun Xie and those boys from the branch division are really that powerful?" What really made Ning Rui uneasy besides the fact that their attempt at murder had failed, was Jun Xie's, Qiao Chu's and the others' overwhelming powers.

Before this, Ning Rui had not perceived Jun Xie as a threat at all and seen the boy only as a pawn to be used to attack Fan Jin. He had not seen the need for him to personally deal with such a petty and lowly disciple then.

Chapter 523: "The Wind Kicks Up (2)"

But this time, Ning Xin had brought back shocking news with her.

Ning Rui had never even bothered to look Jun Xie in the eye and he was astounded to suddenly be hearing that he possessed such overwhelming power while those mysterious disciples from the branch division had possessed purple spirits!

That was just too unbelievable!

Purple spirits, they were the pinnacle of strength and power and they have not been seen in the last century. Why would the amazing power suddenly show up on disciples of the branch division? All of those revelations had shocked Ning Rui beyond words and he could not fully comprehend them.

"I'm sure I saw them clearly. It is all true....." When she recalled all that she saw that day, Ning Xin could not help but tremble uncontrollably.

Ning Rui's frown grew deeper, "Have you ever faced off with Jun Xie before?"

Ning Xin shook her head immediately.

"Never did. All the deeds were carried out by Yin Yan."

Ning Rui tapped his fingers on his table while deep in thought. After a Fan Jin wins over the youths and all their overwhelming strength, it would deal a big blow to the plans we had in place. Since you have never been in direct confrontation with Jun Xie before, you should use everything within your ability to win him over and convince him to switch sides."

He never believed in eternal enmities, and neither in eternal friendships. Ning Rui was able to size up the situation rather quickly.

When Jun Xie had still been perceived as trash, he had been happy to see his daughter use him as a pawn. But when the pawn was found to possess such great power, it would not be wise to leave him at the enemy's side.

Genius Doctor Black Belly Miss (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now