A Chill Sunday

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Curly Wind's P.O.V

I woke up a bit late than usual since it's Sunday but i was soon woken up by the Light that is peaking through my window curtains. I Slowly turn to the other side of the bed meeting the light then yawn as i open my eyes tiredly even though i didn't stayed up late last night. I rubbed my left eyes as i lazily sat up and look around my surroundings. 

I got off of bed then made my way towards my window and open the curtains, Letting the sun light in my room making me squint my eyes for a bit. I walked towards my nightstand beside my bed to check the time on my Phone, It was 9:15 am. I sighed and was about to put my phone down when i quickly saw a message... from Wiz... I clicked the message and red it, making me lightly blush and smile.

Message received From Cutie <3
Good morning Curly :D Last night was a blast and i had a lot of fun, I hope we hang out again! also please Eat breakfast, since yesterday you didn't. :)

Hehe, Cutie~ and yes, i changed his name to Cutie even though we just met last week. I just... really like him, it's like.. 'love at first sight' Cliché, i know but it's true. I chuckled at his message and reply with...

Message sent to Cutie <3 
Good Morning too and yeah last night was totally a blast and don't worry i was about to eat breakfast right now anyway ;)

Then put my phone down on my night stand, took a shower, change clothes then made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I quickly remember that my parents are in my house, meaning they might be in the kitchen. I slowly walk downstairs and stealthily took a peak to see if my parents are in the kitchen, As i look around there are no signs of my parents anywhere, thankfully, but there was a note on the refrigerator. I stopped being sneaky and casually made my way over to the note, As i removed the magnet that keeps the note on the Refrigerator door I soon noticed a Round white Lid on our dining table. I walked towards our dining room while reading the Note...

Good Morning Son. We're out for a while to buy some groceries. Breakfast is on the table with the lid covering it so that it won't get cold easily, We hope you like it! and also if you want something to ask us to buy text us ok? it's still the same number, We love you Son.
-Mom & Dad



T-they... love me?.... 


Fat chance! They are probably just saying that as an act or because they felt pity. Don't judge me for what i think of them, They Have been an ignorant people for the past 15 years and only NOW that they'll say that? only NOW they'll start caring? Only NOW?! 

I sighed in annoyance then crushed the paper with my hand and threw it at a trash can. I opened the lid expecting their usual eggs and groggy bacons like the old times but surprisingly they.. cooked something else. I was surprised to see A Soy Scrambled Egg, Cooked vegetable slices with barbecue sauce and mashed potato with gravy. This was... new, Mom would pretty much cook the same Eggs and bacon every single day in the past but today.. this is just... really new to me. Did they really change?...... I... i'm still not sure... 

.... I still don't trust them, especially since they haven't apologized yet. I sat down then took the fork and took a bite of the scrambled egg. It's really good, i really like it! They really made an effort to this and Maybe.... just maybe.... They might change... But i shouldn't get my hopes up considering that the last time i did, they left me....

After i ate, i put the dishes in the sink then washed it. After that i went upstairs again and went to my room and closed my door... or so i thought, I don't have any plan set today so i just laid down on my bed and grab my phone to just browse the internet or better yet just chill and text with wiz. I my Phone screen light up i saw another text from Wiz...

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