Chapter 1

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Hayleys POV

I just got to the hotel. The rest of the team was supposed to be here in an hour, so I had some time to kill. I was excited and nervous to meet everyone for first time. I walk up to the conference room and see Jill and the rest of the coaching staff.

"You must be Hayley."says Jill reaching her hand out and I shake her hand

"It's nice to finally meet you." I say

"Welcome to your first camp. The girls should be up here soon, just waiting on the last few to get here from the airport . You can take a seat where ever you like." She says

"Thank you." I say

"I understand you also barrel race and bull ride?"She asks

"Yes ma'am" I say

"That's awesome, I have let the girls know a bit about you and they would like to come see you perform on Saturday." She says

"Of course, I can get y'all tickets, how many do you need?" I ask

"I will get back with you once we get a headcount." She says and I nod my head.

Soon enough the team slowly arrives. Everyone was looking at me, thankfully Jill started before anyone could ask me any questions.

"Welcome to July camp ladies, we have a new player joining us. Her name is Hayley Gray, she's 21 years old and plays a few different positions. Hayley if you could join me up here and give a few fun facts about yourself so we can get to know you better." Jill says

"I'm Hayley, it's nice to meet y'all, born and raised here in Houston. A couple fun facts about is I barrel race and bull ride."

"Woah" says Emily

"Badass." says Megan

Jill puts her arm on my shoulder, letting me know I can sit down. She gives out our sleeping arrangements. I got roomed with Hope Solo. Jill starts going over the schedule.

Today (Thursday) - dinner/ free day
Friday - practice at 10 and dinner/ film at 7
Saturday- free day
Sunday- light training & film session
Monday - game day
Tuesday- free day
Wednesday- training
Thursday -light training
Friday- game day #2

"As you girls know we're playing Colombia, if you didn't know, now you do. Most of you have played against them and you know how physical they are. We want to be ready for them." She says

One last thing before I let you girls go for the night is Hayley is in the rodeo on Saturday, if you would like to go support and watch please raise your hand so we can get tickets. Says Jill

I was surprised that everyone wanted to go. Once everyone gets counted for we get dismissed to do our own thing. Most of us head up and unpack. We were allowed to leave the hotel, we just had to be back before midnight. I grabbed my keys and my key card.

"Going somewhere?" Asks Hope looking up from her laptop.

"I'm gonna go practice for Saturday." I say turning to her.

"Oh fun." She says

"Wanna come?" I ask

"Hell yeah." She says getting up.

I suddenly get a bunch of texts, I must have been added to a group chat. Everyone says who they are and I save their numbers.

Me- I'm headed back to my house to practice barrel racing, does anyone wanna come?

Tobin - I do!

Christen - yeah sure!

Alex- sounds fun!

Kelley- hell yeah let's go

JJ - I'll go!

Me - alright, leaving in 5, I'll see y'all in the lobby.

Within 5 minutes everyone was downstairs, I headed to my car and everyone got in. The drive wasn't to far from my house, maybe 10 minutes max.

"Damn" says Hope

My family has a pretty decent sized ranch. We lived on 250 acres, we had a pasture, barn and a decent sized house.

I gave everyone a tour of the ranch before heading to the barn. We had 10 horses. One is pregnant and one recently had a foal.

"This is Lightning, he's an American quarter horse. I use him for barrel racing." I say opening the door to his stall. I put his halter on and walk him out of the stall so I can put his saddle on.  After the saddle is on I get my boots on and walk him out to the big fenced area

"So what exactly is barrel racing?" Asks Tobin

"It's mostly a female event, I've been riding since I was 5 years old and I started barrel racing when I was 12 and fell in love with It. Started competing at 14. It's considered one of the most dangerous riding events because you're running  your horse as fast as they can run and you're taking multiple very sharp and quick turns around barrels. Your horse could slip and fall on you or throw you off. I train with him every day so we're a pretty good team." I say

"That sounds scary." Says Alex

"I used to be so afraid, but I had to force those types of thoughts out,  if you psych yourself out you won't preform well and neither will your horse." I say

"What's your fastest time?" Asks Tobin

"All rides are normally 15-30 seconds, my fastest time is 18 seconds. Hoping to get 16 or 17 seconds on this weekend . I say

"Are you bull riding on Saturday too?" Asks JJ

"Planning on It, I've only been bull riding the last 4 years so It's still a work in progress."I say

I get on Lightning

"Someone mind timing me?" I ask

I can. Says Kelley pulling her phone out.

"Can someone grab the gate? As soon as It opens start the timer Kel." I say

Tobin opens the gate.

"Ya!" I yell giving lighting a light kick, he takes off, I round the first barrel, It wasn't as tight as i would have liked but it's okay. I race back to the other side rounding the 2nd barrel before running and rounding the final barrel and racing back to where I started.

"Woah" I say pulling lighting to a stop.

"17.46" says Kelley  and I give a thumbs up.

A little faster but I think I can get It down. I run a few more times, the  fastest time was 17.11.  I tried to get the girls to ride him but they were to afraid. I head back to the barn and out lightning back in his stall. Removing his halter and saddle. I pet him and give him an apple for a treat.

"You did good today buddy, if we keep this up for Saturday I think we got It in the bag." I say and he just nudges his head into my hand for me to pet him more. Which I do for a couple minutes before walking out of the stall and returning to the girls. We decided to grab dinner and head back to the hotel. Once we get back we all go our separate ways.

"Have you ever been hurt riding?" Asks Hope

"Horse riding? I've been thrown off a couple times but thankfully no injuries. Bull riding Ive also been thrown off but I haven't been trampled or anything. I'm hoping to keep It that way. " I say smiling.

"Good." She says

We talk for a while more before we both fall asleep.


New boook! Little bit of a different book so I hope y'all like It. Thanks for reading!

Last Ride Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora