Chapter 1: Competition

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Chapter 1: Competition


"I'm so nervous." I said to my dad.

"You're always nervous and you always do fine. Don't worry, you've got your mom's talent for riding."

"Thanks." I smiled. I got on my horse and rode out of the stables with the rest of the riders, getting in line, waiting for my name to be called.

"Our next rider is Bryce Mabbitt who is riding Thunder." I heard my family cheer as I circled around and joined the group of riders who had already been called.

I'm Bryce Mabbitt, son of Amber and Caige Mabbitt. I'm fifteen and about to be a sophmore in high school. I've been told that I look a lot like and my dad and my sister gets told she looks a lot like my mom.

My mom got us horses and taught us how to ride as soon as we could stay on the horse without falling off. I have a sister who is fourteen and her name is Daniella Savannah Mabbitt. My sister and I are very close and support each other in competitions.

School is okay, it's not great, but it's not bad. It's school. I have no idea what I want to do when I get older and I hope I figure it out soon because it's starting to freak me out that I don't have a plan. I don't really get bullied. Sure, some kids will say stuff to me every now and then, but I don't let it get to me.

I have a couple of friends, but my one best friend is Chris. We do everything together and he's even come over to ride horses with me a few times. We met in sixth grade and have been friends ever since.

Technically, I have a job. My sister and I help my mom out with the horses. My mom told me that once I turn sixteen, she can start paying me.

My grandfathers are both still in their bands. Escape The Fate and The Dead Rabbitts have gotten huge and they love doing what they do. Sometimes, we get to go to concerts if it doesn't conflict with anything.

It was finally my turn and I jumped the hurdles flawlessly, avoiding a few of the other obstacles and finishing up. Everyone cheered as I moved out of the way for the next person to go.

"The winner is...Bryce Mabbitt!" I smiled and trotted off to the winner's circle as my family rushed over. I was given my trophy and ribbon and our picture was taken.

I jumped off my horse and my mom hugged me tightly.

"I'm so proud of you Bry!" She exclaimed.

"Thanks mom." I chuckled.

"I told you that you would do great." My dad smirked.

"You were right." I sighed and he had a proud smile on his face.

"You're a natural, just like your mother." My Grandpa TJ smiled.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"You did great Bryce!" Daniella exclaimed hugging me.

"Thanks, and you'll do even better tomorrow!"

"Doubt it."

"Sure you will." I smiled.


I'm going to work on making a schedule for this story that I will try to stick to so just be patient for a bit while I get a system down.

Daniella -------->

HelloPurdyBatAndy66 helped me :)

askingAalexandriaA made the cover

Choose Your Fate~Escape The Fate ------->

Listening to Little Heartwrecker~ Dirks Bentley and Something In The Water~ Carrie Underwood


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