She shook her head, confirming that no, she'd never.

"It was never something important to me." She shrugged. She was confused by his astonishment. She'd heard from plenty of women that oral sex didn't lead to an orgasm, she thought she was in the majority.

His lips pursed and he put his hand under his chin. She knew he was thinking and that made her nervous.

"But you've... you've given oral sex before me, right? I mean, you said you tried it." He inquired hoping that she didn't notice the pause. It wasn't that he had an issue talking frankly about sex. He always felt that communication was an important part of having a healthy sexual relationship but he found it difficult to discuss Jill have sex with other men. He wasn't naive. He was well aware that it happened. They'd never explicitly discussed it but he would venture to believe that her numbers were higher than or close to his and, not that it mattered to him, it made it almost unfathomable to him that no man had ever been able to make her come orally.

"Of course! Joe, as much as I'd like to entertain your fantasy, no, you are not the first man I've dropped to my knees for."

He cleared his throat at her words. "They never... returned the favor?"

She laughed. "They attempted to. I was never able to achieve an orgasm during it so I found it to be a waste of time. There were plenty of other, far more pleasurable things that I chose to spend time on." She told him, trailing a fingertip down his chest.

"A waste of time? Then they weren't doing it correctly," he said simply.

Jill's brow furrowed. "Oh? It seemed like it was more of a chore for them."

She thought back to her experiences with oral sex. Her first sexual partner never bothered so it wasn't a worry with him.

Her first husband attempted it once but his attempt was lackluster and dull. Twenty minutes into her frustration she determined that her best option was to fake it to hurry the process along. Apparently her acting was Oscar-worthy because this meant that he raved about his skills for the duration of their relationship.

With time, it got better. She learned how to grind her hips and put in more effort and occasionally nearly brought herself to the edge but then he'd ignore her cues and switch positions, causing her to blow out a frustrated sigh. In order to avoid faking an orgasm for the duration of her life, she reluctantly admitted to him that his performance was lacking and he became upset. He shut her out for the next few days and never tried it again. After that she concluded that it wasn't worth the trouble and each time someone got close she would distract them and reign them in.

"Chore? I quite enjoy it, actually." Joe remarked.

"Giving or receiving?" She asked humorously, trying to make herself feel less anxious about where this conversation was heading.

"Both." He told her, leaning up to kiss her jawline.

As she ponders the idea further, she thinks about the other deliciously dirty things he's done to her and the heat pools between her legs. Secretly, the idea of a successful experience had always been extremely alluring to her but she thought that it wasn't possible. Her veins were on fire, desire coiled tight in her stomach.

She decided to see how far this would go. "It sounds like you're offering."

His gaze darkened and he licked his lips, searching for her eyes because he needed to understand that he had her full consent. "And if I am?"

"Are you?" She asked, her voice breathy.

He nodded. "I am."

She drew her bottom lip into her mouth. "Okay."

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