◌ could it be wrong | james march

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James March


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❝ I like to act now think later ❞

Could It Be Wrong
Love Interest:
James March
AU (but you can totally bring it into Hotel)

Epigraph Idea:
It's never too late to be
whoever you want to be.
——— F. Scott Fitzgerald


 Henry Andrews  ———— Robert Pattison   AHS ——————————— AHS Cast

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Henry Andrews  ———— Robert Pattison  
AHS ——————————— AHS Cast

 Henry Andrews  ———— Robert Pattison   AHS ——————————— AHS Cast

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Henry Andrews knew one thing. Elizabeth did not like sharing, not even with her best friend. But he also knew he would totally take a chance on her husband (or was he her ex?) James Patrick March.

It wasn't too hard to look past the serial killer tendencies when he himself had to kill to live. A life for a life. Whilst some didn't agree with exchanging lives, Henry simply didn't care.

He didn't care when they begged. He didn't care when they bled.

Henry wasn't a sociopath or anything of the sorts, he was just far to use to it care. Humans killed animals to eat and he killed people to eat, as far as he is concerned it is a fair deal.

His victims were never around the Cortez, he loved to leave mystery in the streets knowing Henry Andrews was pronounced dead in 1979 after being attacked outside a gay.

He did carefully pick his victims. He couldn't bring himself to kill the innocent, they did nothing wrong and so he played the role of God and let them survive.

James March was fascinated with the man. The two had shared minimal conversations due to Elizabeth always scooping Henry far away from James.

But one week the woman leaves and Henry and James have many run ins. Communication grew and the two slowly get closer, even risking the friendship when Elizabeth returned.

She could no longer save Henry as he fell for the charm of James March, and unlike her Henry hadn't played the man as James too fell in love with him.

The Hotel grew uncomfortable as the two loved who they couldn't. The silently hoped the other didn't know.

But Henry was not stupid. He worked out James' liking for him. But the man was not for thinking it putting together together a romantic sentence.

So, he kissed James, before moving away realising he had crossed a line. But James pulled him in once again, and the two lived their twisted lives in harmony.


In which the two people the Countess wants to keep apart fall in love.


•Henry is gay, like completely gay but gets hit on by girls all the time. He totally feels guilty turning them down cause they're often really sweet.

•James and Henry are a slow burn, sorry not sorry.

•countess >

•I know she killed Tristan when she found out about Liz and Tristan, but like she can't kill James and killing Henry is useless because he's a vampire so basically dead and he doesn't levee the hotel anyway.

•Face claim can be changed (let me know if you change them)

•Elizabeth sees Henry as a brother and he sees her as a sister.

The username of the account you are posting the story too and your favourite Hotel quote.

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