chapter 1

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His tongue slid over his sharp canines, eyes staring bleakly and distracted through the window. Thinking about his predicament, the edges of his mouth curved into a smirk. Icy blue eyes crinkling in the slightest.

He would be assigned to a new partner, he was as informed. It was an obvious and necessary thing, his new breed had been made to serve and fulfill every need a human could want, however, some species were feared above others. Rk900 was the most advanced and perfect of his species; much stronger, faster, than a human. They were either smart or absolutely stupid for making him require to consume human blood. He could always attack, or get a blood bag from a hospital. But no, that wouldn't work with his ..... Instincts. If you could call them that. The blood had to be willfully given and from the source.

Hey, he had his preference just as humans had preference for their own meals.

On the outside, he mostly appeared human, but his sharp jaw, deep set eyes, and even his demeanor have off something more predatory. He could act human too, and long enough without blood he could weaken and even die. That was the best they could do? Pathetic. Such a simple, easily passable requirement. He want very socially inclined, but he was smooth enough to sweet talk most people. Cyberlife had been lucky he'd been such a loyal dog. His effectiveness was deadly, and he knew how to get results. He just didn't find humans that interesting. No one had piqued his interest.

Until now.

He felt his grin grow as he thought back to his soon to be partner, Connor had told him plenty. This would be fun.

His partner would be Gavin Reed. The scathing asshole of the department. Unliked by basically everyone, and far from friendly. Like some stray feral mutt, how cute, pondered nines.

Gavin certainly wouldn't give his blood up so easily. And nines felt himself looking forward to the challenge. Nines had the information of his partner first and did his own research. Gavin would most certainly have an outburst when he was told nines would be his partner.

Something strange was beginning to lodge itself in nines chest, he didn't know what it exactly was but he hadn't felt this way before. Maybe a bubble of excitement? Months before, when he had deviated from his creators and chose to make himself dissapear, even with the new freedom of his life he hadn't been this excited. Even with the body currently at his feet, having so willingly given into him, and the freshness of it that would last him a while he found himself thinking of his new detective.

Could he break him like these pathetic humans? Surely he wouldn't give in so easily. It would be a fun game of chase. Nines hadn't even tasted him yet, and already his mouth watered with the want. The chase. The cat and mouse game. His nails scraped into the brick wall in front of him, leaving soft slaw marks as he grinned. His sharp teeth gleaming in the moonlight, the blood surrounding him forgotten. He made a vow to himself in that moment. For the most part, he wouldn't feed at all after this. Waiting for the detective, and weakening himself to give the detective a head start of running. But it was inevitable, nines would catch him.

But he wanted to toy with his new prey, at least for a bit. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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