Chapter 10

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The glow of approaching dawn roused Noah somewhat groggily from slumber. He took a moment to get his bearings, lifting his head up from Cody's chest where it had been resting. The other teen's arms were wrapped snugly around his middle. He chucked internally; he didn't even recall getting into the configuration, but it wasn't exactly the first time he didn't remember falling asleep and ending up closer to Cody by the time he woke. Noah admired his still snoozing boyfriend a long moment— after all, who knew when was the next time they'd get another opportunity like this one. Smirking, he dipped down and placed his lips gently on Cody's forehead to wake him.

The boy's eyes fluttered open and a large yawn escaped his mouth. "Morning, cuddlebunch," Noah smirked at him.

Cody's cheeks flushed ever so slightly at the pet name. "Good morning," he returned sleepily. "Is it really morning already?" he asked with disbelief.

"It will be soon," Noah said, happy to linger in his boyfriend's embrace. "Dawn is in a few minutes."

"Mm..." Cody mumbled, closing his eyes again.

"Are you falling back asleep?" Noah asked with sarcastic amusement.

"Maybe..." Cody said, hugging Noah a little tighter and burying his face in the other teen's neck to block out the increasing sunlight. "Do we have to get up? I wanna just stay here with you..."


"Cuddle with my unbelievably cute boyfriend, or hike back to Loser-ville for an elimination ceremony," Noah pondered each of his open hands. "Now there's a difficult decision."


"I don't want to leave as much as you do," Noah urged gently, "but if we're going to have any hope of catching up with the rest of the group, we have to."

"Yeah, I know..." Cody let go of Noah and rubbed at his eyes as he sat up. The dark-haired teen got up and exited the tent. Cody followed. "Brr..." he immediately noticed the temperature difference, "It's f-f-freezing out here." He rubbed at his arms.

Noah wasn't about to disagree. Already he could feel goosebumps rising up on his skin. "We'll warm up once we get moving," he said, beginning to break down their tent. He tossed one of the sleeping bags off the top; its surface was wet with dew. Cody retrieved his shoelaces. They gathered the rest of their belongings and started down the hill.

Noah contemplated the still smouldering pile of logs at his feet. They'd followed the smoke plume all the way here, but none of their team remained. "Guess they headed out without us," Cody determined, glancing around the empty campsite.

"Can't say I blame them," the brown-eyed teen mumbled. He nudged the wood with his foot, only to lift an eyebrow when he noticed the corner of a piece of paper tucked underneath. He bent down to pick it up, unfolding it. The one edge was ragged, obviously torn out of a book— specifically, he realized, Gwen's diary. On it was a note from the girl.

"What's that?" Cody asked, peering over his shoulder.

"Gwen left it," Noah answered. "'Noah and Cody,'" he started to read aloud, "'I hope the fire lasts long enough for the two of you to find this. The rest of the team wanted to head back to Camp Wawanakwa. Noah, I'm sure you can guess but Heather's been trying to convince the team you abandoned Beth. Hurry back; I don't want you to be the one who walks the Dock of Shame tonight.'" Beneath her signature was a miniature drawing of the map.

"Wow. Thoughtful and artistic," Cody chuckled. "Gwen sure is a hell of a girl, huh?" Noah looked at him with one raised eyebrow. He cleared his throat awkwardly, "Uhh... guess we ought to head out then."

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